Trick or Treater's Guide to Sales
We are all in Sales. Sales is simply influence and persuasion and every day we seek to influence and persuade. And when it comes to the art of persuasion there are perhaps no better practitioners than kids looking for candy. Indeed, sales professional who are reluctant to flat out ask for the order could learn from kids at the grocery check-out counter. How many times have you said or heard this…? “Mom can I have just one candy, please?” After the anticipated “No” the questioning continues with a series of “Just one mom? Can I have just one candy?” Come on Mom, just one … I’ll brush my teeth”. “Can I have one candy please?” Invariably the request is repeated ad nauseam until, Yes the kid gets his/her candy.
Now take that desire for goal achievement (getting candy) and magnify the opportunity from one measly candy at grocery check out to the one night a year when candy is available at nearly every single house in the neighborhood… there for the asking. With the desire (mindset) and opportunity (supply) so abundant is it any surprise that kids today all over America devise candy maximization strategies at Halloween? No not at all. And it is a good thing as it prepares our young ones with persuasion skills that will serve them well in a life of pursuing happiness, fulfillment and sweet success.
As an adult professional how skilled are you in sales or the art of persuasion and influence?? Have you forgotten some of the methods you used when you were younger to get a bagful of candy? How adept are you in securing more sales, earning more commissions, winning over more profitable customers, negotiating a bigger salary, a corner office? Could be better you say… then you should check out and apply the Top 10 Tricks of the trade that kids use at Halloween to maximize winnings (more candy) to Supercharge your Selling Effectiveness:
1)???? Go to houses in nice neighborhoods that have their porch light on – that’s where the good candy is waiting???? Target Strategically: Pursue business with prospects in the market for your services – who have the wherewithal to pay
2)???? Dress in an impressive costume – more candy goes to the “Oh look how cute” costume wearer???? Look the Part: Dress as a professional salesperson should
3)???? Map out your route – there is only so much time to get candy so you have got to be efficient? ????Establish a Plan:? Devise an overall approach to your business prospecting??
4)???? Go at the most opportune time -?? Get out early as many folks give out their best candy first but stay late as those that bought too much candy look to dump it all on the last few lucky trick or treaters ???Close the sale at the right time Timing is critical, don’t look to close before the need is established or oversell by closing well after your solution is accepted
5)???? Bring your manners – More candy goes to the kids that people like
Establish rapport and become likable – people do business with those they like
6)???? Avoid distractions – don’t spend time exploring haunted houses or getting caught up in non-candy gathering activities????? Stay focused, in the moment, with the right state of mind for persuasion.
7)???? Double back in another costume- Identify the houses with the best candy and hit them a second time????? ?Leverage Market Intelligence – Identify market opportunity, locate your best customers and get repeat business from them?
8)???? Empty your bag at home half way through the night as folks will put more candy into the almost empty bag of the “Oh Look… poor little thing” trick or treater
Find and activate the emotional trigger – Prospects buy on emotion and then justify their purchase rationally?
9)???? When folks leave out a bowl of candy – take all or half???? Price what the market will bear Price for profit; Maximize your take; don’t be shy.
?10)? Tell them “I’m a little sad that my little sister was too sick to come out to trick or treat”– it is a sure fire way to get more candy???? Develop a sales script and perfect it using phrases and tonality that are proven to work!