A Trick of the Light
?Sergio Vaz Lopes

A Trick of the Light

So this week my wife and I took a brief 22 hour respite from work to race down to the coast for my birthday. Both of us work so hard, that though we work at home, we rarely get quality time together as a family, at rest. 

That is all I wanted for my birthday, us, together, at rest. So we bundled everyone into the car. With two car seats, a rock and play, beach accoutrement, and camera gear…we were bursting at the seams. This year on initial reflection I was feeling glum about getting older, feeling frustrated by what I deemed to be a lack of progress and achievement. But leave it to Heather to set me right. 

She pointed out all the ways I have grown this year professionally, spreading my wings with photography and setting up my own businesses. As I sat on a beach cradling my two beautiful girls under a crystal blue sky, making watery sand castles, I smiled and started to believe her. 

That night after a yummy dinner, I raced to catch the last light of the day to take a portrait of my beautiful family. The next morning, in the quiet of the early  hours of the day I set out on my own to catch the empty beach and the morning light.

It was only when I looked through my camera my photos that it dawned on me, that it is difficult to discern the difference between endings and beginnings. Looking at the last light of the day, and the first light, it truly sunk in for me.

There is little difference in the end of the day and the beginning. The light is beautiful. The trick of the light shows that as the sunsets on one year, it rises on the next, yet again filling the world with shades of mauve and wonder.

So though the sun set on one year, and rose on another, both have been and will be truly beautiful.



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