Tributes paid by the First Ladies, Presidents and Dyed in the wool Military Heroes of our USA
Velandy Manohar
Retired First Medical Director, Aware Recovery Care, and President, ARC In Home Addiction Treatment PC
Good evening, my friends and neighbors
I want to share these two messages from two first Ladies and of course two mums. Mums are remembered and called out by every warrior in distress and dire duress. Mums garner the highest loyal and strongest attachment- all over the world. they are thought of in the beginning, the end and all the time in between.
First Lady of the USA Melania Trump
"I cannot, or will not, take the freedoms this country offers for granted. But these freedoms have come with a price so many times. The sacrifices made by our veterans are reminders to us of this. Melania Trump"
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Immediate Past First Lady of the USA "You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it's important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages." Michelle Obama
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Velandy Manohar MD- Distinguished Life Fellow- Am. Psychiatric association
Statement of Presidents of the United States of America and Gen. George Patton who heroically relieved the siege of Bastogne and saved the indomitable defiant warriors of the 101st Airborne whose Commander Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe answered with the terse response “Nuts” to the German Commander who had surrounded his position and demanded his surrender.
Bastogne was the key Objective of the German offense called the Battle of the Bulge on their way to Antwerp port to break the back of the Invasion of Europe by the Allies. In these bloody and very casualty intensive battles the 333rd Artillery All Black Artillery Battalion fought heroically until they ran out of ammunition and held the German forces back when the Battle of the Bulge began. Later when they were captured, tortured and murdered in a most heinous way by the Waffen SS. The racism that was rampant at that time resulted in their heroic story on the hotly contested battle field. The actions of a local Belgians including a young lad who get acquainted with the 11 survivors of the campaign in the north lead to the uncovering of the truth about the heroism of the 11 survivors and in 2013 Rep. Jim Gerlach revised the white washed 1949 sub-committee report on the battle to include a resolution giving appropriate recognition to the Black Warriors fo the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion. This resolution is a tribute nearly seven decades overdue,” the Resolution reads. “And it is indeed a privilege to … ensure that the story of the exemplary service and incredible sacrifice of these 11 black soldiers is always remembered.” Their tragedy was omitted from the final congressional war Crimes Report of 1949, which recorded the names of all massacred victims—both civilian and military—and where each crime took place. The eleven men were posthumously awarded five combat decorations, including the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and WWII Victory Medal.
President George Washington asserted, “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”
President Abraham Lincoln: “…With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan...” March 4, 1865.
Gen. George Patton, “Better to [Believe in something bigger than yourself] fight for something than live for nothing.” “No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their Country”
President Ronald Reagan honors the USMC - I like this quote and believe the contents to be true. It may have been stated by President Reagan. “Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." -Author Unknown.
Velandy Manohar, MD- Distinguished Life Fellow- Am. Psychiatric Association