Tribute to Dr. King: A Warrior Has Fallen

Tribute to Dr. King: A Warrior Has Fallen


                               A WARRIOR HAS FALLEN    

A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.     

By Dr. Herbert Harris

A warrior has fallen,

Let us honor him.

Let us be still inside,

And remember,

His triumphs and his failures.


He fought the dragons of his time,

Against overwhelming odds.

Proudly standing

In the face of racial discrimination

And social injustice

With honesty as his shield

With character and determination

As his mighty sword.


A warrior has fallen.

Let us honor him.

He has waged the ultimate battle,

And won.

Overcoming the final obstacle

Of this fleeting existence

To receive the ultimate reward

Eternal and everlasting life

In the hearts, and minds, and spirits

Of all whose lives were touched by him.

Who received the benefits of his counsel,

And of his works.

A warrior has fallen.

Let us honor him.

With the gift of everlasting life

In our hearts,

In our minds,

And in our spirits.


? 2021 LifeSkill Institute, Inc., P.O. Box 302, Wilmington, NC 28402; (800) 570-4009



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