Trials & Tribulations

Trials & Tribulations

Article 1: Race the Sun, highlights- learnings & big questions!

It's been two weeks since I signed up for the #Racethesun charity event where I will take on the Jurassic Coast off-triathlon to support children's charity Action Medical Research with some of the most inspirational ladies I am fortunate enough to call my friends. Emma Tiernan, Zoe Patey, Chris Kin Jade Jarvie & Kim

-28 miles mountain biking

-9 miles hiking

-2 mile sea kayaking

On June 29th, my team and I will be up before dawn to bike, hike, and paddle our way through a challenging course in a race against the sun. We're doing this because we believe every child deserves a chance at a healthy life. Action Medical Research has been funding vital research for over 70 years to help defeat the diseases that devastate the lives of sick and disabled babies, children, and young people.

What has been my insights and learnings so far??

For me personally this is a BIG Goal which requires serious planning and dedication, juggling training around my family and full time role has been tough but not impossible.

I have been working with a great PT Carla Reed who is pushing me to my current limits, the group of ladies I am partnering with for this event is also driving me forward, sharing their motivation and insights, even on the days where I could easily say no to the gym.

Ask myself Big Questions and see big results! So over the last few weeks I have been asking myself am I a Growth person or Safety person?

I choose Growth, I desire to be the best version of myself- inspiring others to also choose growth, today, tomorrow and always. In reflection I have always been someone that is happy to say YES sometimes to my detriment- so I have been learning to only say YES when it walks me towards the outcomes that I am striving to achieve both personally and professionally. This has also meant that often I need to say No to something to be able to create space & grace or for the YES elements to be able to succeed.

Work out or Work In?

I have noticed the initial moments in a workout when my body shifts into it, my breathing becomes more controlled by my initial thoughts and actions, slowing down my breathing to reduce my heart rate and allowing me to feel in control. Wow! This has been a game changer for me. Breath work has come in super handy for my workouts but also outside of my physical workouts. When I am feeling challenged at work I can tap into my mindful breathing and ‘hey presto I am in control again’ - I am interested to hear from you... have you tried breath work & mindfulness?

Over the past two weeks I have noticed that 90% of the work outs I have completed I haven’t felt like doing and the first five minutes of the workouts have been simply terrible then my body kicks in and surprises me. I feel the shift within me, I know I am made to work and I feel great at the end of the sessions! So I am no longer judging my workouts or myself in the first 5-8 minutes. The same can be said for anything outside of exercise- allowing ourselves the opportunity and time to practice loving the work and we will love the work, crave the work and feel accomplished. This is how I am starting to feel after every training session… What a milestone to reach in only week two!! (I will keep you posted ;))

Where in your life does a decision need to be made where you can choose safety or growth?

Work is not something to be afraid of, we are made to do hard things. Practice and train ourselves to say YES I am made to work. We are made to work… consider this as a perspective shift. A mindset shift, go within and we can find the motivation, the fuel and the fire that burns within us.

Practice loving the work and we will love the work, crave the work and feel accomplished. This is how I am starting to feel after every training session… What a milestone to reach. And this is my new motto ‘Love the work, crave the work and feel accomplished’ . I follow and practice the law of attraction and have done so for many years. The Law of Attraction is designed with 3 Laws - attracting, creating and allowing. 'Think the thought until you believe it, and once you believe it, it is! - Abraham Hicks

Over the last two weeks I have decided that I am worthy, I am enough and have chosen to level up, choosing growth and feeling strong, purposeful and focused…. Dancing the edge between work and play, embracing the unknown and living life with a sense of adventure and curiosity.

So my ask to you is to go ahead and quieten your heart, close your eyes and see your dream, it’s calling you to reach, to experiment, practice believing you are worthy and call the leader within you.

Choose the work and shift from Safety to Growth!!

As a reminder I am raising money for Action Medical Research please find the link HERE to donate if you feel called to. Thank you for your support.

Kindness & gratitude



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