The Triad of Sovereignty: Love, Peace & Leadership
Poem: Who am I?
Princess of the ports, where the tide once knew my name,
A realm of silence, where water whispers and winds reclaim.
Queen of the trees, whose roots run deep and wide,
I stand as guardian, where earth and sky collide.
Empress of peace, my hands extend to heal,
Crafting fragile treaties, where only strength can feel.
Princess, Queen, Empress—united, yet undone.
A heart that holds the port, the trees, the peace to keep,
A power, a crown, an empire—a soul that does not sleep.
The poem "The Triad of Sovereignty: Love, Peace & Leadership," is about the interconnected roles and values that define effective leadership. It explores how a leader’s commitment to love for their people, the pursuit of peace, and the responsibility of leadership come together to shape governance.
Love reflects the respect and dedication I have for the people of Canada and the values that uphold our country. This resonates with the Princess of the Ports in my poem. The Princess represents a deep connection to her domain and a nurturing sense of peace. This love for her people and environment forms the foundation of her role.
My commitment to Peace—both domestically and internationally—aligns with the Empress of Peace in the poem. The Empress takes on the responsibility of negotiating peace, resolving conflicts, and ensuring stability. Just as the Empress creates treaties and harmony, I position myself as a leader capable of fostering peace, whether through my Framework for Peace in Jerusalem or in my dedication to keeping Canada united and strong.
The idea of Leadership is—strength, resolve, and wisdom—which parallels the Queen of the Trees in the poem. The Queen’s role involves responsibility and guardianship, ensuring the stability of her realm, much like how I aim to protect Canada’s sovereignty and values. As Queen of the Trees, there is a profound sense of responsibility, and I reflect this same weight of leadership, particularly in my commitment to ensuring that Canada stays true to its principles and remains resilient.
The Princess, Queen, and Empress roles represent different stages and aspects of my leadership. Each role in the poem symbolizes a different dimension of governance, from love and nurturing to guardianship and peacekeeping, just as my leadership reflects a commitment to protecting my nation’s values, fostering peace, and navigating the complex demands of governance.
The poem serves as a metaphorical reflection of the qualities I emphasize in my political vision: Love for the people, the ability to craft peace, and the strength of leadership.