The Triad Of Performance Edge
Soul Ongoiba
SPIRIT PERFORMANCE COACH-Equipping leaders and athletes at performance crossroads to amplify their unique performance edge and create the meaningful impact they desire.
How do you activate your personal superpower to reach performance edge?
Let’s talk about the three catalysts that activate your superpower.
Today, we’ll be talking about The Trinity of Superpower Activation: Purpose, Passion, and Power.
When these three elements are interconnected, they serve as key drivers that activate and enhance your personal superpower.
We’ll review in the first part how each element contributes to boosting your performance edge
You can get more in depth details in this 5 minute video link here.
First let’s begin with purpose.
Purpose serves two pillars that gives a strong foundation for you to harness your superpower.
With a decisive purpose
The second element that purpose provides is the ability to provide direction in a sense that it guides people decision-making processes, because ultimately a well-defined purpose helps people make tough decisions
Now let’s look closely at the second element of Passion.
That is the emotional fuel that sustain your determination, which is needed when overcoming challenges
Now Passion also secondly helps as an amplifier of energy not only it allows you to stay inspired, but it foster the amplification of your abilities, because you are willing to go the extra miles, when needed. You are willing to burn the midnight oil to learn something new, or to perfect a skill ten thousand times, so you can be unstoppable and gives you the edge.
Now let’s jump into the third element of power,
Power actually is that personal power that is the ability to act, where you maximize your skills to accomplish your goals. The ability to direct your own thoughts and behaviors so you produce the precise results you desire.
And here’s a little dose of truth, whether you want it or not- You either deliberately shape your perception or someone else will do it for you.
This is why with personal power also comes the element Responsibility.
And I love that line in the spider man movie: With great power comes great responsibility which always a nice reminder that your abilities need to be used wisely ethically for the greater good and benefits of all concerned.
Now as you can see all three elements of purpose, passion, and power when in synergy form a potent force that fuels your extraordinary abilities and drives you to maximize your performance.
Now to get that performance edge it’s important to understand how they interreact with each other.
Purpose and Passion:? purpose, combined with intense passion, would trigger the activation of your personal superpowers. The emotional intensity and unwavering belief in the why, and the cause leads to unlock people latent abilities.
For example, you might discover new abilities or unlock hidden potential when driven by a deep sense of purpose and intense passion. That’s where growth and evolution reside.?
Power and Purpose: The possession of extraordinary power and abilities can reinforce your personal sense of purpose and responsibility. It can also provide the means to achieve goals and make a tangible difference in the world.
?Now the last combination
Passion and Power: Passion can fuel use of your superpowers, making people more effective and determined. It can also help them overcome obstacles and setbacks.
And yes, without a doubt as you can see, when these three elements align, you can reach performance edge that make you unstoppable.
So, to summarize, purpose gives direction, passion drives commitment, and power is the tool that allows one to exercise and to achieve one’s goals. Together, this triad of superpower activation forms a symbiotic relationship that create a powerful synergy that can turn anyone into an unstoppable force for good.
Now, I can talk about this some more but want to respect your time and if, you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-
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Till next time
Live your truth,
Coach Soul -Out