Trendy Socials
Trendy trendy trend. I hear marketers talk about trends all the time.
“Ah, yes. Well, apparently this is the new trend on socials. So, jump on it before it’s too late”
There will always be trends within our society and culture. It’s just a thing, from fashion to movies there’s always something that’s ‘in’.
I remember kawaii as a style. This anime type movement that combined real life photos with stickers of 16-bit characters and Japanese flowers (not entirely). But that’s all it was, a movement, which was used by nearly all but is now only used by some. The question in my mind springs when I think about this. I know some people that now have such an immense audience on IG due to embracing this movement and it brings me to the question of whether:
As a business. Is it damaging for you to follow trends or not?
Why I think of this is because when it comes to instagram these days. One of the most effective ways to establish your account and gain actual REAL followers who actually WANT to see your content is to create a consistent account that almost follows its own rules. From there, people know what type of content you are about and will therefore be able to decide based upon their presumption of your account whether they want to follow you or not.
But what if you are a business that looks at socials in a capacity of trends and the ever-changing development of human interest? Are you going to fail without your establishment of who you are?
Well, when it comes to my now ‘Instafamous’ acquaintance. What she did was follow a movement, embraced it and made it her own. Now she is one of the people who keeps the movement alive. But the difference in the route she took, compared to some companies or brands, is that once the Kawaii movement faded. She didn’t move onto the ‘next thing’. She developed the movement and became known for her style.
So, when it comes to you. It’s obviously your choice. But the problem I have with business’ that just follow trends for the wave of hype is that I find them disingenuous. In a selfish social world, it’s hard to come across social accounts that are raw and real and not fake in its agenda of desires.
What kind of company do you want to be to your consumers?
One that only uses socials to spam people with unoriginal and repetitive content?
Or one that embodies itself. One that people know instantly just by looking at what’s being posted?
Well, for Instagram. You need to create a style to grow exponentially.