Trends in Testing - Who is going to get adapted to the trends; Individuals or Machine Learning?
The question is? Who is going to get adapted to the trends; Individuals or Machine Learning? Lately we are presented into intriguing articles which are describing the way AI and ML is shaping the future of testing.
Did you know that “Global Software Testing Services market size is estimated to grow at CAGR of 12% with USD 34.49 billion during the forecast period 2021- 2025! In most cases the finger is directed to brand new tools that are giving the opportunity to automate test cases and run them in just minutes.
The process is more than that. No tool is completely on its own at giving the desired results. Each methodology needs to meet the desired requirements with adequate techniques. As mentioning methodologies, according to PMI, Agile is known as Tom Cruise of the PMMs.* In terms of future, we always rely on brand new tools developed by the state of art. Having the "all inclusive" support by using just one tool would be brilliant, but until one manufacturer undertakes this revolutionary duty, we'll stick to integrations :).
To connect the dots, trends are influenced by T2M flow and that is the way we should strategize now to shape the future and build adequate tools for maximum deliverability. No future is bright without ensuring quality. Even if it’s just automation or manual, big data or just a code; every feature should be build considering different work methodologies and workspace sizes.
Reducing time and costs may affect on human resources. Will that be the future of testing? Of course not! I assure, the last one who will be jobless in this digital age, will be a tester.
CAGR - compound annual growth rate
PMI – project management institute
PMM – project management methodologies
Written date 21/09/2021
Erblina Idrizi