Trends of Corporate Emails in Ethiopia
Have you wondered why significant number of #professionals and even high ranking #officials of Ethiopian #public and #private institutions are using free #email services using public #domains (mainly Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail) for business, instead of using corporate/professional email addresses with their institution #domainnames? Have you ever received such a remark from a business partners or professionals from abroad, why distinguished personalities are relying on #free #email services? Please spare few minutes of your time to share the perspective from ZERGAW CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDER
It is now a well-established fact that using professional email with domain name of affiliated institution, among other, help institutions look professional, establish credibility and trustworthiness, build brand and ensure security.?
Going a couple of decades back in time, a few numbers of #ethiopian #institutions started using professional #emails with email addresses matching their own domain names by deploying dedicated private #mail #servers on their premises. However, that trend did not take-off much and only a handful of institutions are still using corporate emails with on-premises mail server deployment. This limited penetration of such corporate email usage is mainly because of lack of technical capability to #design, #deploy, #manage and #secure a reliable server-based email service, as well as considerable email service #downtime experience because of frequent mail server power and Internet interruptions. To address these challenges and the required high amount capital expenditure (CAPEX) in foreign currency, institutions started using email renting services from a local email hosting provider, ethio telecom , or cloud-based global service provider as in Gsuite?by Gmail and?Microsoft Exchange?Emails by?Microsoft.
While the local option has technical issues to address, the global option is payable in foreign currency, the cost grows with the demand, and has regulatory gaps as the mailboxes are hosted outside of the country. ?
ZERGAW ISP has learned well the email service trend of the #ethiopian #ict market and related challenges and also articulated well the major benefits for business of using professional/corporate emails. Addressing the limitations of using local and global email hosting providers, it has carefully designed and developed a #cloudbased email service deployable in our high-class and state-of-the-art #cloud infrastructure collocated at ethio telecom ’s #datacenters.
ZERGAW ISP’s email service is #affordable, #secured, takes shorter time to deploy, and the system #downtime is below 0.5% guaranteeing service #availability. Our email service is easily customizable based on institutions’ requirements, accessible from any device, and provides full content control by the institutions. Moreover, payment is in #local #currency, complying with Ethiopian legal framework, integration with #enterprise #resources #planning (ERP) solution for easier communication, and quality 24/7 #customersupport are additional benefits of using our email service.
As a company with a vision to digitally empower Ethiopians, ZERGAW CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDER is willing to listen to your demands and feel free to contact us at:
Telephone – +251 942 39 39 39
Website -?
Email -?[email protected]
Marketing Manager
1 年Utilizing a corporate email for office tasks is a great way to maintain a professional and appropriate approach. ??