Trending Stories on Eyewire+

Trending Stories on Eyewire+

Bausch + Lomb Announces FDA Approval of enVista Envy Full Range of Vision IOL

Bausch + Lomb?announced that the FDA?has approved the enVista?Envy?full range of vision IOL. The new lens is?built on the enVista IOL platform and is designed to offer?patients a continuous range of vision while providing... Read More

Heidelberg Engineering Receives FDA Clearance for Spectralis Flex Module for Supine Imaging

Heidelberg Engineering has received FDA clearance for its Spectralis?Flex Module, a multimodal diagnostic imaging platform. The new module is designed specifically for imaging the posterior segment of both pediatric and adult patients in a supine position, addressing a need for... Read More

Beyeonics Vision Launches Beyeonics One Featuring Infrared Technology

Beyeonics Vision?announced?the launch of?Beyeonics One with invisible light based on infrared night-vision technology. Beyeonics One?integrates infrared illumination to?optimize?visualization, improving surgical outcomes and enhancing patient comfort. According to?Beyeonics Vision,?the integration of infrared technology provides surgeons with... Read More

EyewireTV | 10.09.2024

Aldeyra resubmits its application for its dry eye drug reproxalap; Clearside announces new phase 2b topline data for its investigational extended-release wet AMD drug; and Bausch + Lomb launches of a new digital e-commerce marketplace.?Click here to check it out!

Latest In Podcasts

CRST: The Podcast: Maximizing Potential With the Light Adjustable Lens

The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL; RxSight) represents one of the most in-demand and cutting-edge innovations in refractive cataract surgery. How can surgeons best incorporate the LAL into their surgical practice such that they maximize patient and practice success? Click here to catch the latest episode.

New Retina Radio: Real-World Studies Reported in Lisbon: Untreated GA Progression and High-Dose Aflibercept in Wet AMD, DME, and DR

Tens of thousands of real-world geographic atrophy patients were analyzed in a retrospective database study. How did GA progress—and how do these data inform our understanding of GA? Ted Leng, MD, stopped by the show to share the findings from his research on the natural history of GA, which he recently delivered on the podium in Lisbon. Catch the latest episode here!

Eyewire News: The Podcast

Aldeyra resubmits its NDA for dry eye drug reproxalap; Clearside announces new phase 2b topline data for its investigational extended-release wet AMD drug; and Bausch + Lomb launches a new digital e-commerce marketplace. Catch the latest episodes here!

Latest in Subspecialties:

CATARACT: Centricity Vision Unveils Enhancements to ZEPTOLink IOL Positioning System at AAO 2024

REFRACTIVE: Orasis Secures $78 Million to Support Commercial Launch of Presbyopia Eye Drop Qlosi

GLAUCOMA: Haag-Streit to Host "Biometry Focus Month 2024" with Weekly Webinars in November

RETINA: Annexon to Present New Phase 2 Data on ANX007 for Geographic Atrophy at AAO 2024

OPTOMETRY: Alcon Collaborates with Eye Care Professionals to Identify and Address Unmet Needs in the Contact Lens Industry

Thank you for reading! We'll be back next week with another edition of?Eyewire+ Weekly Digest. For the most up to date news, please visit us at Eyewire+.



