Trend Surface Analysis

Trend Surface Analysis

1. Introduction

Trend Surface Analysis is a global polynomial interpolation method that fits a smooth surface defined by a mathematical function (a polynomial) to the input sample points. It changes gradually and captures coarse-scale patterns in the data.

This technique is mostly used to produce a smooth surface that represents a gradual tends in the surface over the area of interest—where the lower the root mean square (RMS) error, the more closely the interpolated surface represents the input points. It is a simple way of describing significant variations and its function is to find general tendencies of the sample data, rather than to model a surface precisely.

Trend surface analysis involves fitting a polynomial function to a set of known data points and using this function to predict values at locations where data is not available. It assumes that the variable being studied varies smoothly over space and that its variation can be approximated by a polynomial equation. Trend interpolation creates a gradually varying surface using low-order polynomials that describe a physical process—for example, pollution and wind direction. However, the more complex the polynomial, the more difficult it is to ascribe physical meaning. Furthermore, the calculated surfaces are highly susceptible to outliers (extremely high and low values), especially at the edges.

2. Types of Trend interpolation

There are two basic types of Trend interpolation: Linear and Logistic.

2.1. Linear trend (1-D)

The?Linear?trend surface interpolator creates a floating-point raster. It uses a polynomial regression to fit a least-squares surface to the input points. This method allows you to control the order of the polynomial used to fit the surface. To understand this method, consider a first-order polynomial. A first-order linear trend surface interpolation performs a least-squares fit of a plane to the set of input points.

In linear trend (1-D): z varies as a linear function of x

Z = b0 + b1x + e


  • Z is the interpolated parameter.
  • X and Y are the coordinates of the wells.
  • b coefficient is estimated from the control points.
  • e: error in prediction.

Trend surface interpolation creates smooth surfaces. The surface generated seldom passes through the original data points since it performs the best fit for the entire surface. When a polynomial order higher than one is used, the interpolator may generate a raster whose minimum and maximum exceed the minimum and maximum of the input file of the input feature data.

2.2. Logistic trend (2-D)

The?LOGISTIC?option for generating a trend surface is appropriate for the prediction of the presence or absence of certain phenomena (in the form of probability) for a given set of locations (x,y) in space. The z-value is a categorized random variable with only two possible outcomes—for example, the existence of an endangered species or the lack of existence of that species. These two z-values can be coded as one and zero, respectively. This option creates a continuous probability grid with cell values between one and zero.

In logistic trend (2-D): z varies as a linear function of x and y

Z = b0 + b1x + b2y + e


  • Z is the interpolated parameter.
  • X and Y are the coordinates of the wells.
  • b coefficient is estimated from the control points.
  • e: error in prediction.

A maximum likelihood estimation is used to calculate the nonlinear probability surface model without first converting the model into a linear form.

The aim of this method is to develop a general kind of spatial distribution of an observable fact. The surface can be modeled using a linear or trend surface. Linear trends describe only the major direction and rate of change, while the trend surface provides progressively more complex descriptions of spatial patterns.

3. Applications of Trend Surface Analysis

Some of the applications of trend surface analysis include:

  1. Elevation modeling: Trend surface analysis can be used to model the underlying surface of elevation data, which can be useful for a variety of applications such as floodplain mapping or site selection for infrastructure development.
  2. Climate modeling: Trend surface analysis can be used to model the spatial patterns of climate variables such as temperature or precipitation, which can be useful for understanding regional climate trends and predicting future changes.
  3. Environmental Modeling: Trend surface analysis can be used to model the spatial patterns of environmental variables such as soil moisture or vegetation cover, which can be useful for understanding ecosystem dynamics and identifying areas of concern for conservation.
  4. Geology and mineral exploration: Trend surface analysis can be used to model the spatial patterns of geological variables such as rock types or mineral deposits, which can be useful for mineral exploration and resource management.

4. Limitations of Trend Surface Analysis

Listed here are some of the limitations of Trend Surface Analysis

  1. Sensitivity to outliers: Trend surface analysis can be sensitive to outliers in the data, which can lead to overfitting and inaccurate predictions.
  2. Difficulty in interpretation: Trend surface analysis can produce complex polynomial functions that can be difficult to interpret and visualize, especially in high dimensions.
  3. Limited predictive ability: Trend surface analysis may not be able to accurately predict values in areas outside of the observed data range, which can limit its usefulness in some applications.
  4. Assumptions of linearity and stationarity: Trend surface analysis assumes that the underlying trends are linear and stationary, which may not be appropriate for all datasets.

Overall, trend surface analysis can be a useful method for modeling spatial trends in data, but its limitations and assumptions should be carefully considered in the context of the specific dataset and research question.


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