Trend report 2019 pt.2
Autonomous driving
I can see what you cannot see
Car literally means self-driving. But automobiles do not drive themselves, a driver controls them. That should change: in the future, cars should really drive themselves. Google is pursuing a rather revolutionary concept with its bullet cars compared to BMW, Audi or Daimler. The German manufacturers, however, rely on a gradual evolution of their model range. So it is no wonder that the German top-class manufacturers tinkering with their own concepts and trying to bring their own models in a few years on the market. Gradually, more and more assistance functions are to be installed in the cars, which in the long term could completely relieve the driver of driving.
Astonishingly fast, drivers get used to the fact that the car itself flashes, the lane changes, overtakes and automatically slides over the highway. So, are autonomous cars already normal in the streets in a few years? Despite the hype about Google cars and the attempts of many manufacturers are still many hurdles to overcome. Not only technical, but also political and legal. Today's assistance systems can keep or park speed, distance and lane. Technically, production vehicles such as the new Audi A8 could even drive highly automated with a stowage pilot, and the driver could read newspapers at speeds of up to 60 km / h. Legally, this is not allowed in Europe.
There was a first update of the Vienna Convention last year. "This makes it legally permissible to use reliable driver assistance systems," said the Federal Ministry of Transport. However, such driver assistance systems as the adaptive cruise control or the lane departure warning system have been around for some time. The regulation was long overdue. But still applies: The driver must always keep his hands on the steering wheel and always be able to take control. Such systems are called semi-automated.
Basically, it does not matter if it's assisted, semi-automatic, highly automated, fully automated or autonomous driving. The technology will have one of the biggest influences on the design and design of future interiors as well as the complete infrastructure of mobility. In the interiors, components such as steering wheels, shifters or center consoles with buttons that we know today are gradually being reduced or replaced. They will disintegrate into interactive surfaces and structures that only become visible when needed.
Here the design has the difficult task and the responsibility to build the trust and the acceptance into the technology autonomous driving and to receive with value-stable solutions.