Trend Micro Donations Fund New PCs for African Students
Tracy Lanning
Senior Strategic Alliances &Partner Marketing Manager at Trend Micro Europe
Trend Micro is first and foremost a cybersecurity company. It’s what we’ve been doing for over 28 years and we’ve become pretty good at it. But as a major organisation, we’re also aware of our responsibilities as a global corporate citizen — not just to make the world a safer place, but to make it a better place.
That’s why we were delighted to hear that donations raised on stand at the recent CSP 2017 event helped to completely furnish four schools in Malawi with their first computer labs.
The power of global citizenship
Trend Micro’s global citizenship activities have become a familiar sight around the world. From house-building in the Philippines to disaster relief in Japan and our long-unning Internet Safety for Kids and Families initiative, the sheer breadth of projects we’ve undertaken over the years makes us all proud to be Trend Micro employees.
At CSP 2017 we dreamt up a fun way to encourage delegates to get involved. An on-stand quiz posed cybersecurity-related questions to the attending industry professionals. For every correct answer we donated a sum to The Turing Trust, a UK charity working to enable IT-supported learning in African schools.
We were delighted to hear that our donation meant the charity could ship an additional 83 PCs to schools in Malawi this year, enabling 500 more students to benefit from access to the digital world. It’s easy for us sitting in developed nations to take such things for granted. But the truth is that billions around the world are still without basic computing resources.
We’re helping to put that right, and hopefully changing some lives in the process.