This Trend is Likely Accelerating
R. Craig Coppola
Experienced Commercial Real Estate Broker & Advisor, Co-Founder of CRE OneSource, Board Chair of Radius AI, Founder/Manager of Habanero Ventures & Investment Company
As we come out of the COVID-19 quarantine, the number one question I am being asked (other than questions about rent deferment or abatement) is “what is this going to do to the office building layouts going forward?” There are many prognostications and I have prepared my own presentation that I am giving to our clients upon request. Today we want to look back and forward — back to see what trends were already happening before the pandemic and forward to see what trends will accelerate.
Here is a link to a great article from the Harvard Business Review that was published in December 2019 before the virus hit. The main point of Ethan Bernstein and Ben Waber was that from purely a design perspective, the best layout is one whose goal is to “get the right people interreacting with the right richness at the right times.” To do that, the design will be based on needs and desires, not rent per SF.
Below is a graph from the article. You can see that office space design and people per square foot is a cycle just like real estate. Clearly, the cycle (i.e. trend) would be headed back to more SF per person anyway. This pandemic and the need for physical separation will likely accelerate this swing back… this time hopefully for all the right reasons. As you think about opening your office back up, feel free to call us.
Click here for the full article.