TREES CAN Co-exist with paths! TripStop provides a safe & healthy environment for our communities.
Michael Ramsey
Sales Agent SA and NT incl EXPORT SALES of TripStop providing safety for all users on our footpath and bike way networks
May 2018
Auckland’s Franklin Road project is well under way
It started with an asphalt surface badly damaged by tree roots causing pedestrian hazards
Great care is being taken to ensure the tree and its roots are protected during the project
Alister Brownlie the Project Manager from Traffic Systems Ltd (the lead contractor) said the
project will last about 18 months but some of the footpath is down already, incorporating both TripStop and a flagstone edge.
TripStop enhances the final look of the footpath.
TripStop will future-proof this path and ensure the residents and the general public who visit this famous street for the Christmas light display will be safe from trip hazards and the trees can continue to thrive well into the future.
For more information on TripStop contact
Doug Clark
021 084 55199
Suppliers of TripStop
Mike Ramsey
0433 132 1239