The Tree Bark That Leaves a Mind Mark
Amera Fattah
Empowering Real Estate Executives & Developers with Innovative Brand Strategies | Founder of Suite Storees The Advertainment Company?| Brand Consultant
3.6.22 | 3:11 PM | Space as a Pace. A Treat as a Seat. RePeat.
Selfie Sundae is about surrender to the storyline from the way some feelings stay and others stray.
When we shift into an aerial view, under ground view, side view and we draw context from a refractive view, we can connect to the reflective view most clear to our current comprehension.
For the hueman being - it is only a matter of the here and now.
What feels most aligned is the framework of freedom: a dome of dimensions in which you can time travel through all forms of your cellves, selves, and self and free-float through the beauty of your belonging - with gravity as a gravitational pull and magnetism as a universal push.
The way we attract abundance is to offer it - freely, consciously, constructively and abundantly.
Be nothing. Offer everything.
Connection is the currency to our selves through our cellves.
What we give to the world is a gift from our self; yet, through our cellves - our presence is the present.
What is more perfect than the exchange of air between a tree and a body?
We all breathe the same breath.
One inhalation of a thought; one exhalation of a molecule of infinity.
The universe is ever forgiving, ever loving and ever lasting.
What else could be comprehendible aside from life is short as reality
but reality is eternity as time.
The moment we reframe our remnants is when we regroup the framework.
Collect the calm.
Birth the compassion.
Pause. Breathe. Be.
Imagine yourself at a conference room table with 10 seats around.
You are the 11th person in the room.
Now look at your fingers.
Design a self of your selves for every finger you have and name that self as an entire identity.
Match up the names of your hands, fingers, and identities to the seats of the table.
Each "identity" of your self sitting down at the table is now within your own reach.
That's right. Imagine that your hands are the power lights to the language of that self in your presence.
Pause. Breathe. Be.
What is the correlation between your body and your belonging?
The presence of your being.
Be present with your body as you are aware of your environment.
Have conversations with every identity of your self in the room.
Talk to all of the people around you from within you.
Now look at your hands again.
Pause. Breathe. Be.
Look around the conference room of all of your selves conversing then close your eyes for 3 seconds.
Pause. Breathe. Be.
Look at your hands again. All fingers are operating independently yet connected by the same power mechanisms.
Hold hands with your self. Hear through your selves.
Pause. Breathe. Be.
Excerpt from 5.25.20 | "Hi Friend, I'm here for you."
I want to remind you to check on your strong friends.
Check on anyone who crosses your mind.
Most importantly, check in with yourself.
Everyone has their way of coping with their struggles and their trauma.
Please don't mistake someone's coldness for rudeness.
Just have heart and be kind.
You never know what someone is experiencing.
This era of time is unlike what anyone has ever experienced. Not only do people struggle by being trapped in their mental settings, now we've been "trapped" in physical settings.
Although we may not know how to comfort someone through whatever they may actually admit to you.
Be a confidant. Be patient. Be the friend you would need.
Assuming someone is fine because they look fine is a huge misconception.
Know that the brightest smiles often hide the deepest pains.
Ask a friend how they're doing. Not just a "how are you" ask them how they are mentally, how is their energy, what's going right in life and what's going wrong.
Open up to the next layer of their personality. Dive in deep.
Below are some tips I've personally wanted to share with you if you know someone who's confessing their struggles of being in a hostile, abusive, or toxic environment.
Thank you for reading this.
Thank you for caring enough to be a better loved one, a better you
Amera is the artist cultivating communities on canvas' across brains everywhere. Her social platforms are opportunities to share pieces of us in each other - welcome to amera's am(a/u)zement mind.?Her humanhood kicked off as an avidly involved student and lover of learning. Her fiery desires for wanting more - out of life, out of the community and out of the power of potential translated from visions of I to visions of the eye.
She is the voice of reason within youthful entrepreneurs and independent brands who want to build empires out of the ashes of their past. Her life motto: go where you grow. Have you ever been bullied for being you? Her, too. Bully is just another B in the alphabet of opportunity. Amera designed a world of B's via her imagination and innovation.?Suite Storees ?is a mixed reality social platform designed around her concept of?Build Your Own Be .
Bestie, Brand, Brand Identity, Bee, Being, B. Just B. Build your own being by being your own selfie. Her design of selfie museums serve communities as immersive and experiential memoir museums. As a designer and?event planner , time is a construct of design. Her ability to translate storees into visual design elements connects her to audiences across different realms. She meets you, connects the dots, and leads you in connecting the spots of build your brilliance as a brand identity.
So, you're a youthful entrepreneur wanting to alchemize the connections between your brand, your identity and your relationships? Oh yes,?you are definitely at the right place at the right time.?Since you have built the ones around you;
I am here to guide you in cultivating the ones within you: from self-loath to self-growth; from prophecies to profits; from corpses to corporations, together, we will transform our life-changing experiences into experiences that change lives.