Horses love, mate, rear, and protect their young better than the vast majority of inhumane beings that populate this planet better than the remaining humane beings are even capable of in modern times. They have an ANIMA like us, are more intelligent, and capable of amazing feats. Look into their eyes, if only for a second to catch a glimpse of who they are.
"In the beginning was INTELLIGENCE..." is not only more accurate but makes far more sense than "In the beginning was the WORD..." How can a WORD come before the ONE who FORMS an IDEA and then SPEAKS it into BEING?
All animals have speech. They all express their feelings. Some ANIMALS eat animals, others are VEGETARIAN. By eating the flesh of sentient beings we are consumed by animal nature and lose our human nature, the one that is supposed to eat as was dictated in Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "Behold, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. EVERY day, we disobey GOD and pay the heavy price of disease, aging, and death.
If we replace WORD with INTELLIGENCE, the TRUTH about Creation would take on a new dimension. Why? Because then it means that INTELLIGENCE breathed life into every living thing and we would not be able to call animals or women dumb and inferior to MAN. We would not cart our animal brothers off to slaughterhouses to kill them in the most inhumane way and then sit down to a meal to consume their tortured flesh.
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Every single day we disobey the First Commandment and we disobey God's words telling us what we are to eat. Disease, Death, and Doom is the heavy price to pay we pay.
Noah was ordered to build an ARK and assemble ALL the animals including the UNICORN to preserve them from the flood! Why did we betray our animal family? The Amazon forest is being emptied of its wildlife and natural vegetation to use to rear more cattle. Why? For money.
If you have cared to read this text so far, I now invite you to watch the trailer Christspiracy | Official Trailer | Kameron Waters, Kip Andersen (2024)
Please watch this movie and find out for yourself if it speaks the truth or lies. The risk? Discover that only dumb animals on the planet are us.