When a person experiences an injury to any part of the body or a medical condition, for example, diabetes mellitus which causes nerve damage/neuropathy, and/or a degenerative condition like arthritis, pain receptors send signals to the brain. Once these signals are processed in the brain, neurophysiologic changes occur which underline the perception of pain by the individual.

Thus, there are two distinct components to the human perception of pain, ie., a peripheral pain generator and a central component or a central pain generator. A feedback loop is thus established wherein the continual centripetal bombardment from the peripheral pain generator to the cental pain generator is established. This latter mechanism of action permits the persistence of ongoing pain perception.

Having alluded to the above, it becomes immediately apparent that in order to break the cycle of chronic pain, either one or both of the "pain generators" must be eliminated. To date, all of our modalities of treatment are at best only capable of partial relief and healing as witnessed by the incidence of permanent disability since the majority who undergo a simple MVA have recurrent or chronic neck/back pain. I have personally witnessed this observation after 40 years of treating victims of car accidents.

Following this same line of thinking, one has to ask the question of what else is available to treat and CURE the variety of painful conditions that humankind is known to suffer from. My personal clinical experience has taught me that there are some alternative methods of treating pain that is more effective than traditional ones. For example, in 1995 when I learned about the use of magnets to treat pain, I offered three patients the use of magnetic inserts in their shoes to treat their neuropathy and in one case a superimposed case of severe PAD (peripheral arterial disease). To all of their surprise and as well to myself, all three were spared amputation which had been already scheduled in the case of the patient with combined neuropathy and PAD. Since that time, I have used various forms and types of magnets to heal painful conditions with great success including myself. Numerous advantages became apparent after that initial explosion of therapeutic benefit. The latter includes a one-time purchase of a product that is not only affordable but lasts for many years; ease of use at home without reporting to a place of therapy; and last not certainly not least the non-invasive nature of the treatment especially when compared to traditional/invasive procedures like injection therapy/surgery. This most efficacious form of treatment I conducted on thousands of patients in 27 years of practice became my ancillary component to traditional therapy and sometimes the only form of treatment until 2021.

In the summer of 2021, my personal case of carpal tunnel syndrome exacerbated to the point where I lost the use of my thumb and forefinger due to atrophy. In an attempt to avoid surgery, I developed the idea of applying a topical steroid, OTC, to my wrist, followed by a dynamic magnetic massage to the area for five minutes. The magnet I used was much stronger compared to the others employed since 1995. To my amazement, the novel treatment worked very well considering that not only did it arrest the atrophy of my thumb muscle (APB) about half of the muscle grew back! In addition, the cramping, twitching of fingers, and local edema all resolved. I then applied this method of treatment to other conditions including but not limited to radiculopathy, neuropathy, myositis, tendonitis, TMJ/clicking, and even cosmetically to reduce crow's feet! I now had a most efficacious form of treatment to ameliorate and or eliminate the central pain generator.


