Treat your cough!

Lola’s recipe for cough:

Equal parts of each have to be mixed in a bowl:

1. Bitter raw organic unsweetened cocoa powder. ( the non-organic version may contain impurities involving heavy metals )

2. Turmeric powder

3. Ginger powder

4. Black pepper powder

5. Cinnamon

After you mixed powders, add as much raw uncooked honey as appears enough to make a paste with the mix. Mix honey and the mix powder really well. The consistency must be thick. It will be and should be difficult to mix.

After you do that, add some raw organic coconut oil to the mix to make the paste a bit looser. If your paste runs, you overdid it. It should not run.

Now, you can store the paste in the fridge for relatively very long time since it has honey and oil in it.

Do not leave it in the room since oil and mix will separate.

Consume about a heap tablespoon on empty stomach 40 min before a meal and down at least one full glass of hot water. Water may not burn you, but cannot be lukewarm either! Each person’s tolerance is different, so use common sense.

DO NOT DISSOLVE the paste in the hot water. IT WILL BE unpleasant to taste, will be spicy, so the best thing to do is to swallow is as fast as you can without tasting it. If you spend too long time on tasting it, you may puke, SO DO NOT TASTE IT. In addition, oil will separate in the hot water and will be left out partially as well as will make it unpleasant to drink. And finally, honey is destroyed by the heat, not to mention it becomes carcinogenic in nature after heating, so avoid cooking it or using it in a really hot water.

Note: do NOT skip on ingredients. They work in synergy and are proven to deliver the benefits. Keep in mind that the total amount of CINNAMON must not exceed over a TABLESPOON a day for a healthy adult due to its toxicity on liver if the amount is above the mentioned. Thus, I suggest making a paste daily using one tablespoon of CINNAMON. That way you know that you do not exceed the recommended amount. One tablespoon of each powder is enough for one person per day. Other ingredients do not have a known recorded toxicity if you exceed one tablespoon of them.

Use non metallic dish for mixing and storing.

Note 2: It is good to know that the paste may make you sweat profusely, so try to consume it knowing that you wouldn’t go out. See how your body reacts to it first. Normally all the ingredients together should make your body very hot.

Continuous consumption will have consistent healing effects on multiple bodily ailments if you wish to proceed with it for a very long time. The mix will have strong effect on joints and fat deposits in about 1 month. You may have a loose stool due to the richness of the paste in magnesium. I would not recommend taking it 2 hours before you go to bed. Cocoa does have little bit caffeine in it. You may notice that you will have lost some weight, too. With continuous usage, you may loose a lot.

If you are taking medications, do the research on any possible interactions.

Note 3. Organic raw cocoa may be found in LASSENS if you live in Los Angeles.. It is expensive.

Note 4. If you sweat, change your clothes and your sheets. Sweat releases toxins out of your body associated with sickness and general health, so you do not want to wear the fabrics containing expelled toxins.


Recipe #2:

Put bitter cocoa powder, about 1 teaspoon into a non metallic mug, poor a boiling water into the mug, about ? of a mug. Mix very fast with a silicon or wooden spoon, then add fat milk/half and half to the mug to fill the rest of it. ( NO, YOU CANNOT SUBSTITUTE it with anything else! If you can, use raw milk.) Mix well and fast. Add honey and mix well. After you are done with honey, taste the liquid to make sure that it is not overly sweet. If the drink is too cool, add some hot water. The drink will be delicious.

Note. Do not boil chocolate. It destroys its healing power. As with the first recipe, do not consume after 7 pm.

Recipe# 3. Take a spoon of raw uncooked honey and put it under your tongue AFTER you laid down in bed. In a horizontal position. Do not swallow it, but treat it as if it were a slowly dissolving pill. Fall asleep like that. Honey will moisturize the lining of your throat and will help to calm cough. Cough will be more annoying after you lay in bed since all the mucus will rise to the opening of the mouth easier in a horizontal position.

Recipe #4. Soak licorice root in boiled water for 1 hour, crush it first. Drink on empty stomach 3o min before a meal.

Recipe # 5. Soak hops in boiled water for 2-3 hours. Drink on empty stomach at night time. It will calm you and promote deep good sleep which is normally lost when you have a persistent cough.

Recipe #6: do baking soda inhalations and alternate them with rock/Himalayan salt inhalations. The solution has to be very strong to have an effect on you. Naturally, a hot rock salt sauna is also very good for you.

General instructions:

Avoid nuts, seeds, alcohol, cold liquids,salty foods – they irritate the lining of the throat making matters more complex. Avoid talking, too. When coughing, your vocal cords are affected, too, and the more you cough, the more damage is being done to them, so speaking will only make things more difficult. Wear a scarf – it will keep the heat in and preserve the body heat: a lot of body heat escapes via your neck. Avoid breathing with your mouth open. The cold air damages you further.

Sincerely yours, Loloplanetyanka.

Искренне ваша, Лолопланетянк@


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