Treat your business partner fair, it pays off
Lars Kurandt-Jaeger
Let me help you to become more efficient in the production of beverages, chemicals, food and other liquids.
A customer called me, one of his instruments was in the process of failing and he needed a band aid right away. I got him a loaner right away while we were working on getting him a new instrument that matched his needs. I received the order a few weeks later.
A few weeks later: the same customer asking what we have on the shelf for making hand sanitizer. I pointed them to our density meter while also telling him that he has a solution already in his lab - a density meter from the competition. With the latest updates on our instruments matching the WHO recipe it is easier to use for this but still the base is knowing density. I provided him some documentation how to mix, etc. That is of course valid beyond using our instrument. He thanked me and in a follow-up call shortly after I learned that he was fine with his current solution. Of course, I expected nothing else. Again a few weeks later he calls me again, their current density meter broke, he is dead in the water and needs an instrument immediately. He was straight forward: we need a loaner, we are happy to pay for it, we are not looking into buying a new instrument now. I was happy to help, checked with my manager, got green light and called him to inform him about the deal, shipping today. He told me that thinking about their state they learned that they need a backup, this measurement is crucial for them. Lars, please send me a quote, what can you recommend?
Another prospect who can not afford our instrument yet (they need to grow) needs a measurement being done. Lars, my lab is in the USA, sending the sample now will be too slow, you got a big network, can you help me? Sure, I connected him with some I know who was happy to do the measurement.
Another customer ordered an instrument - and currently our lead time is long. I provided them my demo instrument to bridge the gap until they receive theirs.
These days I am staying in particular close to my clients, helping some of them to survive with producing hand sanitizer and help with advice. There is no quick payback to be expected from these actions. But they will remember me and Anton Paar once we are through the mess. Will I miss my targets this year? Very likely yes, I will fall short. But I will come back strong once the economy is coming back.
You want to partner with me/Anton Paar? Reach out to us, let us get together and check out where we can help your business. Plant the seed now, harvest tomorrow.
Happy Easter!
... well said and done Lars, a business relationship - starts with relationship that relies on trust and being a partner Glad to have you in the #antonpaar family and proud be part if it as well. #inthistogether with our customers and partners