TravelPeople in a muddle about the spuddle
Truth is we all spuddle from time-to-time. [Spuddle (archaic verb from the 17th century) - to work ineffectively; to be extremely busy while achieving absolutely nothing; to assign trivial things undue importance ..] Let's face it, sometimes it's easy to get sidetracked or caught up in everyday mumbo jumbo despite our best efforts to focus on the task at hand. This usually results in us taking twice as long (or longer) to complete a task. Multi-tasking also does not help. Besides the fact that it has become the norm, focusing on, thinking about and doing only one thing at a time does feel like a bit of a luxury these days, don't you think? Not to mention that for some people, focusing on only thing can be quite monotonous and boring .. Back in the 17th century people probably did not have to multi-task, so the root cause of 'spuddling' then was obviously different, but as we have been doing it for so long it's probably part of our human makeup. So we really don't have to get in a muddle about it and beat ourselves up when we start to spuddle. Instead, let's graciously accept it and make a fresh start tomorrow!
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"Activity is often unrelated to productivity, and busyness rarely takes care of business." [Gary Keller]
Keep your focus and have a good week!