Where is the book now?  

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‘Jesus the Troublemaker’ is fully on Amazon, but the ‘Look Inside’ bottom is not yet activated. It has two reviews, long ones, with five stars and four stars respectively. Do buy the book, either on Amazon or, post free, from And do put in a review - it doesn’t have to be long, a couple of sentences is fine.

The first draft of the colour edition has been done. The final version will probably be designed next week. Then a week or so to get it printed. It could make an ideal present fo the right person.

I am moving ahead with preparations for an audiobook. I realised last week that I will have to make some revisions to incorporate some of the information of the footnotes into the main text.

And then struggling with information sheets fo bookshops, press releases and trying for reviews in the U.S. All pretty much outside my comfort zone, so prayers would be appreciated!

Now for the next instalment of Yeshua’s last eight days.


Last week we were with Yeshua as he took over the vast Outer Court of the Temple, not just for one day but for the whole of the week leading up to Passover. The authorities had to react: the Sanhedrin or Great Council, the leading priests whom I call Temple Aristocrats, and the official Torah-teachers or scribes. Other Hebrew terms are Galil for Galilee, Yochanan for John, and ‘Adonai Eloheynu’ for ‘Lord our God’.

Here’s what happened the next day:

They arrived at the Temple just as the morning service of psalm-singing and sacrifice was ending. Already each gate was manned by four temple guards and an equal number of Galilean pilgrims, looking at each other warily, but beginning to talk to each other. “So, this prophet of yours, what does he actually say?” “He’s challenging, mate, but it’s not just his talks, it’s the healings he does…”

 Yeshua led his group through both parts of the Outer Court, replying courteously to a number of questioners. The Court was calm, a few groups of both men and women talking together. Many were standing by themselves, swaying devoutly while intoning their prayers. A gentle murmur enveloped the sunlit space. As Yeshua strolled towards the line of pillars that made up Solomon’s Portico on the east wall, there was an excited hubbub behind him. He turned to see a small crowd coalescing round a group of a dozen leading priests, Torah-teachers and official members of the Great Council.  The crowd swelled with many eager to see the coming confrontation between the Jerusalem authorities and the prophet from the Galil.  

Yeshua stood on the platform, which gave him a six inch advantage, and turned round. The leading priests in their spotless white tunics and turbans and scarlet sashes, with the half dozen Torah-teachers and Council members in their long brown and black cloaks, looked decidedly impressive. One of the leading priests spoke.

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“We are the priests of this holy house, appointed in direct succession from Aaron, the first chief priest of our nation. Also here are Torah-teachers who have studied for years in highly reputable academies. And some of the members of the Great Council who have ultimate authority for the laws and religion of all Israel. Kindly tell us where you have studied, who gave you the rank of teacher, what is your authority for dictating what should or should not take place in this house dedicated to the Holy One, blessed be he.”

Yeshua stood completely relaxed as he looked in turn at each member of the impressive delegation in front of him. He noted the different attitudes in the crowd, some murmuring, “Rabbi, stand up to them!” Others muttering, “Here’s where this parvenu gets his comeuppance.”

Yeshua took a deep breath, smiled slightly and said, “That’s a fair question. It deserves an answer. I will give you an answer. Providing you answer a question I will ask. You all know Yochanan, who practised his ministry of baptism not twenty miles from here.” A buzz of recognition rose from the crowd. “Well now, Yochanan’s ministry, was it a call from Adonai Eloheynu, or was it his own idea, a human invention? Tell us.”

The leading priests and Torah-teachers hesitated, looking at each other. “We need to consult”, said a leading priest, and the delegation withdrew to a quiet corner of the Outer Court. 

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“We can’t say his call was from God. He was a mountebank. Even called us a brood of vipers.” 

“We’re not popular with anyone. We even fight among ourselves. Maybe it’s time for us to give some recognition to their Yochanan.  He was devout, though rather extreme. And above all, he’s dead, and it would put the Galilean on the spot.”

“That’s possible, but only if we forget his main platform, which was baptising Jews. We all know what baptism is for. It’s not a ritual washing like what the Essenes practice so obsessively. It’s going under the water, giving up your life. It’s what we expect Goyim to do if they want to join the community of Israel - as well as having their foreskin circumcised of course. And that’s right, because they have to give up their old life and make a brand new start. But this Yochanan called his fellow Jews to be baptised! As if there was no difference between Israel and the Gentiles. As if in fact we Israelites are Goyim! He basically excommunicated everyone who disagreed with him. Including us!”

“We have to be careful. This ignorant crowd know nothing of the Torah, they all believe that Yochanan was a great prophet. This Yeshua has already used the crowd to kick the perfectly legal traders out of the Temple. He could turn them against us in a flash. It’s just too dangerous.” 

“We’ll just have to put the best face we can on it.”

The group of leading priests, Torah-teachers and Council members walked back to Yeshua with as much dignity as they could muster.  

“Well, gentlemen, what is your answer?”

“We have considered carefully, and have decided that there are so many issues at stake, that we can’t make a definitive statement at this moment.”

“Then neither will I tell you what my authority is for standing up for the holiness of this place.” 


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As they left, Yeshua spoke out:

“Beware of the Torah-teachers, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the market-places, and to have the best seats in the assembly halls and places of honour at feasts! They swallow down widowshouses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will suffer the greater punishment!”


The next three weeks will have the following blogs;

  • 27/3 A Jewish Passover in Jerusalem
  • 2/4 How to rig a trial
  • 9/4 Where was Peter? The key to making sense of the Easter story.

And don’t forget:




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