Traveling Music
Strike up the music, beat the tambourine, play the melodious harp and the lyre;
blow the trumpet for the new month, for the full moon, for our feast day!
I am your Vital Strength.
When you feel like giving up, I give persevering courage—
so you can keep on keeping on.
O to grace how great a debtor daily you’re constrained to be
(Robert Robinson, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”).*
I am your Power.
Outsoar mediocrity—outrun temptation—outwalk lethargy.
I am your Victorious Success.
When you’re on the verge of losing the battle with sin—
I inspire you to purify your heart.
I am your Purity.
You are prone to wander from the God you love.
Let My goodness, like a fetter, bind your wandering heart to Me.*
I am your Visiting Support.
When you’re burdened by taxing cares of life—
I invite you to trade your struggle for My serenity.
I am your Peace.
Praise My name—you are ?xed upon it, Name of My redeeming love.*
I am your Vision in the Storm.
When you think nobody is listening, and you’re frazzled by stress—
My theophany sets your heart at rest.
I am your Paraclete.
I am the Fount of every blessing—I tune your heart to sing My praise.*
I am your Veritable Supply.
When you’re afraid you are about to run out of critical necessities—
I reassure you by supplying everything you need through Christ.
Give Me your heart, let Me seal it for My courts above.*
I am your Provision.
Meditate on My generosity—let music and gladness ?ll your soul.
I am your Vivacious Song.
When you’re down-in-the-mouth for no particular reason—
I give you a melody that puts a spring in your step.
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.*
I am your Praise.
On your journey toward heaven, I am your Traveling Music.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 221, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
Misionero en Iglesia Bautista Independiente Betel
4 年This is a great