Travel Weary
From the depths of despair, O Lord,
I call for your help. ?Psalm 130:1 NLT
????In heartache, reach for God in prayer.
?????????From valley depths, cry out to the Lord.
?????????Hurting, ask for His help—heaven pays attention to desperation.
?????????In your frail misery, look to Omnipotence for emotional support.
?????????Jesus is ready to listen when you need to talk.
??????????Tell Jesus all your trials, you cannot bear these burdens alone;????
??????????In distress He kindly will help you; He ever loves and cares for His own.
???????????[Elisha A. Hoffman] *? ????????
????In holiness, revere God because of His pardon.
?????????Vindicated by deliverance, consecrate yourself to the Savior.
?????????Forgiven by Christ’s mercy, live by His salvation.
?????????Do not mull over past mistakes—the Lord forgives and forgets.
?????????Do not wring your hands over tomorrow—God is already there.
??????????When the world allures you to evil, and your heart is tempted to sin,
??????????Tell Jesus, and He will help you over the world the victory to win. *?
????In hope, rely on God’s promise.
?????????Visioning daybreak, commune with your Father.
?????????Faithing morning, gaze on the Bright Morning Star.
?????????Count on heaven’s promises—they brighten the future.
??????????Beneath life’s crushing load, when you are bending low,
??????????Toiling along the way with painful steps and slow,
??????????Look now!?Glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing –
??????????Rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing. [Edmund H. Sears]
???????? ?In a WWII concentration camp, a Jewish girl wrote in her diary—
????????????? ?There will always be a small patch of sky above,
????????????????and there will always be enough space to fold two hands in prayer.??
????In help, rejoice in God’s Providence.
?????????Victorious by Holy Spirit dynamics, celebrate infinite power.
?????????In a festive mood, enjoy heaven’s symphony of love.???????????????????
?????????Unshackled from addictive evil, revel in perfect freedom.
?????????Whatever your situation, know God is completely aware of it.
?????????In difficult circumstances, cultivate joyful inner-stances.
?????????When the hill is steep, climb in the energy God provides.
?????????On high seas, stay on an even keel in perfect peace God gives.??
?????????In emotional valleys, look heavenward and triumph.?
????????? Pastor Johnny R. Almond????????????????Gentle Whispers from Eternity ?