Travel Trends Weekly Digest #90

Travel Trends Weekly Digest #90

Spotlight On 2nd Quarter 2024 | Popular Destinations and Source Markets?

Our latest report spotlights Q2's top travel destinations and booking trends. See where Americans, Brits, and others are heading, with data on spending and stay preferences in the new Data Digest.


  • Top destinations chosen by nationalities

(Arrival dates: April - June 2024)

American tourists: Domestic tourism predominates and the average rates per night (ADR) have increased considerably, by up to 25.9 % in destinations such as Florida. Regarding the booking window, reservations are mainly made between one and three months in advance. The traveller profile is primarily couples and individuals travelling alone.

British tourists: They will travel to Spanish destinations. The average price per night has increased by up to 10% in destinations such as the Valencian Community. About 60% of bookings were made more than three months in advance. The traveler profile consists mainly of couples (61%), followed by groups (17%).

Travel Trends

Spanish tourists: During the second quarter, Spaniards will travel within Spanish territory. Rates have increased across all destinations compared to the previous period. They will travel as couples (49%), alone (20%), and in groups (19%).

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Chinese tourists: This nationality perhaps exhibits the greatest diversity in terms of countries of destination. ADRs increased in most destinations, and most bookings were made between one and two months in advance. The tourist profile is mainly couples (73.8%) and groups (13.7%).

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