Travel Trends - 2022
A very interesting mindset was brought to my attention at the end of last week relative to Travel Trends for 2022. Seems like the destination is not as important as 'how to reserve' a journey.
Generally, travelers know where they want to travel to but they need first-hand advice from 'someone who knows.' so they turn to a Google search. I'll be the first to say "Don't confuse my 40+ years as a travel professional with your Google search."
Turns out that in part, I am right. But there is more.
Savvy travelers have chosen to go the route of private custom-designed travel to avoid crowded group travel with strangers. I agree given the current need for social distance as we enter the third year of the global pandemic. I'd not like to be stuck on a 45-seater with 43 strangers. You never know who is paying appropriate attention to their health. Rather not take the chance.
Travel further and stay longer. That is not a new concept to me since I was born and raised in South Africa and we had to travel (most times) overnight to reach any destination that would accept our passport. So we'd make the most of it and spend three to four weeks at any one particular destination. Seems like that idea has 'caught on', finally.
At Vuitton Travel and EGYPT Tourism USA, we have always believed that "Slow Travel" is important. That concept has finally evolved into "Slow Travel is the New Luxury." Since that has always been our ethos, naturally, we agree.
Of particular interest, according to a New York Times article, smart travelers are turning away from OTA's given the unending problems with getting rerouted and refunded, and are reverting to the conventional way of planning journeys. Now it is important for travelers to be able to reach their travel planner in their own country, and not just online and/or in a foreign country. We've always been accessible for telephone consultations, office visits and have introduced a system of communication face-to-face via a private Zoom conference. The difference in attitude is remarkable. Rapport is created which builds trust which leads to closing sales and receiving the best form of advertising - referrals. It appears that 'overseas' companies would be wise to have contactable representation in the United States of America if they want to attract this market. Considering global time differences etc. there is no way that business can be appropriately conducted solely via email.
The most valuable piece of information though was "don't confuse INFLUENCERS with INFLUENTIAL." I completely agree. I understand that influencers can draw attention to a particular destination or product. But what happens when a traveler experiences a problem while traveling? What can the "influencer" do? Nothing.
INFLUENTIAL travel agents on the other hand have spent years building relationships that they can count on to assist in the unlikely event of anything going wrong. I know I have a 'go-to' list of travel partners who will assist every step of the way if the need arises. That is particularly comforting knowledge for travelers knowing that there are several reliable and experienced parties looking out for them whilst they travel. Therein lies great comfort - especially in today's travel climate.
Forty years later, my team and I stand poised to deal with North American travelers via phone, Zoom, or in office, and in advance, we assure our valued passengers of our very best and most personal attention at all times.