Travel Light...

Travel Light...

How often have we stared at our luggage for hours and not been able to figure out if we need few extra clothing or is it adequate for the trip? How often have we panicked at the thought of packing for the trip and what to or what not to carry along? I guess almost everyone of us had quite a few moments, right? A general view to the situation with a deep connection to our motives of travelling. Are we travelling to showcase our fashion brands while being in a different place or are we actually travelling to another country to experience and absorb some good lessons and memories? In case you are more interested in the latter, well, I suggest travel with an empty suitcase so you can bring as much as possible. You can only absorb if you are empty or have ample space within you.

But what if, we are stuck in a sticky situation or in the wrong crowd? Well, I would like to believe that some solid and inherent qualities that we carry with our up bringing and our culture will surely help us analyse and that old gut feeling will back us with right sense and action. Anyway, isn’t it more easy to run away or escape from that sticky situation if we are carrying light baggage and pair of Nikes? Exacty!

We all travel, everyday, every minute and every second without even noticing it. A moment we are all focused at work, next we are wondering should I call that special one to let them know that we exist to the very next minute wondering about long term or short term plans. No, not really. Every one is not as complex right? Others don’t swing so fast. They know what they are doing is the right thing and nothing else is important. Well, I really appreciate those smart kinds. They are too hell bent at achieving there goals and which is a good thing, but we seldom miss the good things happening around while we are blindly following the trail to assumed happiness. I’m a Libran, and which one of these people make more sense of life is really a tough thing for me to judge. But what if in any of the situations we have less pair of failures wrapped around the set of fights / anger we had with the special someone loaded with a pile of guilt and mishaps? Quoting Bruce lee here,”Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them”, “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own”, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it”....So dear traveler, there might be a language constraint, there might be a low budget day, there might be sick day but carrying your heart on your sleeves is way better than carrying 5 pair of shoes that will be useless in any of the situations.

Carry the essentials..

Many a times we complain and brag about our time in a different country; The way people behave, pollution, atmosphere, life standards and several other ....Well, carrying other people’s baggage over our overly stuffed suitcases is never going to be pleasant, would it?

We all have that inner voice that we are blessed with. We know what we are getting into and how our actions will effect our present and our future. Well, let’s keep that spiritual realization on the shelf for the moment and just stick to the basics...Pack your soul and make soul and make sure you don’t lose it on the highway (trust me loosing your passport is still bearable). We are unique aren’t we? and so are other individuals in their very own way. So rather than flaunting your Zara or Lour Vuitton, mesmerize everyone with the beauty of your inner self and some good traits of your culture. I am not very keen on people who would remember me for the shoes or Tee i was wearing. They kind of missed spending a perfect moment with me. Bad things happen everywhere and no matter how much precautions we take, we might end up in a position that is not in our favor or as we expected. But still, we can be our selves and gradually move away instead of getting stuck with that heavy baggage. I am usually a low budget traveler and while my experiences have been exciting but I have somehow always ended up with some sort of unique situation that for that particular moment seemed like the end of it, Total screw up!, che palle, Scheisse, this is it...i’m done! But besides all the goof up, I’m here sipping on Vegetable soup and writing about it. The most quick recoveries were the ones when I had no or least extra baggage. The ones that took time were stuck with me with a more than 5 heavy suitcases. Carrying light does not really mean being empty but being smart enough to carry the basics so if and when needed, we could pick the best things on the way. Be receptive rather than being perceptive. We don’t like to be told that our baggage is out of fashion or not acceptable but why not just carry the basics and borrow one or two dresses basis the environment and customs? But do keep the basics as that we can only carry well (or in case we don’t) if our soul and our inner-self is intact and shining above everything else.

Travel light to work - It is work and needs lot of attention. We can only focus and give our best if we are light inside and the basic stuff like our will, our knowledge and our skills make the magic happen. We need applause for our work and effort, not for copy paste or sub-optimal performance as we jut didn’t rely on ourselves.

Travel light to bed - This is one of favorite spots as my imaginations run wild here and this is one place where I can be anything or anyone (total Libran dreamer). This is my place. But the most amazing dreams and moments can only take place if there is no baggage. I don’t need a horror show or a tensed mood to drive me to the magic place. 

Travel light to your date - You love that special someone. They need to know. You need to be at your best. You never know how that special moment will end, but you need to be at your best. Not someone else but just yourself (you are the best for yourself). Can’t be done with that extra baggage.

Travel ultra light to your family - Yeah, we are dealing with it everyday and we don’t want to be told or suggested what to do. Our parent have been a child, a teenager and responsible people to bring us to this moment that we are using Facebook and posting vulgar pouts (seriously). They have been there and done that in their own pace and in their own place. Be receptive. Ok, i realize this in my 30s but I was a d**k of highest order in my teens, I forgive myself. 

Travel light to Job interview - Yes, Google has all the answers right? watching vlogs on YouTube will surely get you prepped for where you want to be in next 5 years because you saw that 23 year old girl out of rehab telling you exactly how she got the perfect job right? Yes it would if you might understand the subject rather listening to the words. Getting the right job is a tough task but it is usually tougher as ur extra baggage from all other voices totally overshadows our real self which we exactly need to showcase for our dream job. We know ourselves and we know that we got it is our first inner voice, right? but we end up royally screwing up that opportunity.

Travel light to your future - We want to reach to that perfect place that is fulfilling and filled with happiness but that luggage will only find space in your bag if you have less of old junk. Won’t it? Just hold your spouse, grab the kids and keep your loved ones close. Rest will gradually get accommodated.

Travel light....Period! - Enjoy a comfortable pace, and while on the go, keep an eye for the magical things happening around you. You don’t want to miss them. Make a happy moment and than make another one. Don’t need to change clothes (unless totally sweaty and knackered) just take a shower, feel fresh and carry on. All kind of people will along. Pick the right ones and share your journey and hug the ones you look down upon you. Keep as much space in your heart and mind to accommodate and share your warmth without loosing your sould or your passport. 

Buona lettura / Buona permanenza / Buon viaggio
"Be generous and ignoring any spelling / grammatical mistakes"


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