Travel day, The New Rubes, Immaculate Virtue
“In order for the wheel to turn, for life to be lived, impurities are needed, and the impurities of impurities in the soil, too, as is known, if it is to be fertile. Dissension, diversity, the grain of salt and mustard are needed: Fascism does not want them, forbids them, and that’s why you’re not a Fascist; it wants everybody to be the same, and you are not. But immaculate virtue does not exist either, or if it exists it is detestable.”
Good morning folks, how are you? We slept in a little, 7:01 on my computer clock; a long day yesterday, I needed my rest. I trust you are in a good place, and if not, seek the help you need to arrive in a Brave New World sans Soma. Or, if required, Soma is not that bad. Aldous, you futurist, how do you do?
I left the house yesterday at 6:15 a.m., it was cold as hell, but I had breakfast planned up in Muncie. I drove up, listening to some music, and arrived about five minutes early. My breakfast mate was a long-time client and friend, and as we sat down, I noticed three men sitting across the way.
I walked over and removed my mask, and all said, “Hey!”. Sitting by our table was Larry, my industrial arts teacher, John, my 5th-grade math teacher, and my son’s 3rd-grade teacher. It was good to see the people that helped craft this feeble mind. I sat with Scott, we caught up on life and business, had a couple of things to adjust, but overall I’m proud of my friend and where he is in life.
I walked out of Panera and opened my laptop to join a group call in CO; we had a speaker from the NFIB sharing his thoughts on the new administration and possible changes in our business environment. Let’s just say he was not hopeful with the new rubes. Business owners buckle up; we are in for a ride. Thankfully we planned for this nuisance.
I left there and headed to see my parents; we sat for a spell and shared updates. They continue to kick ass at 82; both are healthy, they are back at the YMCA doing something called silver sneakers, they are enjoying their later years, an indication as to how I might fare in the coming days and months. We chatted, it was my last visit whilst home; I’ll miss my parents, but see them soon. They think their time is short; I believe they have many years left. We will see who is right.
I left there and headed to a long-time client, a father and son duo; the father is retiring, the son is taking over, we talked about the transition. When I return, we will make the generational move. Dad has done well over the years; the son is that apple that did not fall far from the tree, he too will have a successful business career.
I walked out and got in my car; I was asked to lead our employee meetings. Our team’s weekly gathering to check-in; these days, we have guests; we had Jeff from FL and Peter and Kim from CO just sharing who they are over what they do. We chatted for 30 minutes, checking in on all; we have a solid team of qualified individuals.
I sped off from there to have lunch with another long-time client and friend. I arrived a little early; I had to teach at 2:00, so I preordered for both of us; we dined, we caught up, talked a little about investments and opportunity in the rube era. Let us know the rules, and we will be fine.
I walked out and reopened my laptop, and dialed in for my teaching and training hour. My clients were in FL, GA, and TX; our TX mate did not join. It seems he has no power due to a freak winter storm; we pushed our work back a week; I’ll teach from a mountain top chalet next week.
I left there and headed south to meet a new friend. Doug is from Muncie; we recently connect via Synergize, the Stanton / Ulm juggernaut. Doug is starting an addiction treatment program for those in need, also expanding his business; he asked me to serve on his new board, honored I accepted. We talked about faith, business, and life. I had a glass of wine, he had a beer, and I headed home.
I shared I had been in the car for about 3 hours that day. I listened to Elon Musk on Joe Rogan; it appears these two have become friends. I expect the free world leader to make many more appearances on the Johnny Carson platform of 2021. If you have time, check out The JRE Experience exclusively on Spotify.
I arrived about 6:00 p.m., 12 hours from the time I left, our daughter and future son in law were here, we dined on fish sandwiches and broccoli, our kid had a call at 6:30. We sat with Nick while she ran her call; they left soon after; we watched some silly movie and hit the bed early.
We will pack this morning, load up PVHT, and hit the road. We will drive 5 hours and 46 minutes to our first stop, a fabulous barn in MO. We will unload, relax and enjoy some us time with our pup. We will listen to an audiobook on the way helping us navigate our new married state.
I live a life of Riley, I’m not sure what that means, but I suspect I have a good life. No apologies, I worked hard as a young man; I’m now going to enjoy the spoils and toils of my twilight years. I know I have many to traverse, and I’m planning to enjoy every waking moment. Like my friend Jason shares, I’m going to live high, I’m going to live mighty, and I suggest you do the same.
I guess you could choose to live low and puny, that is your choice. We all have a choice as to how we live our lives. I’m made my choice, and I suspect you have made yours. If you are not happy, that’s up to you to make changes in your existence to reach your high and mighty life. You get one chance on this spinning rock, don’t blame others for your bad choices, your meager existence, your common plight. Own it and move on. -Cheers, I’ll be sharing my thoughts from MoZu tomorrow; enjoy this day something bigger than us has made.
“In order for the wheel to turn, for life to be lived, impurities are needed, and the impurities of impurities in the soil, too, as is known, if it is to be fertile. Dissension, diversity, the grain of salt and mustard are needed: Fascism does not want them, forbids them, and that’s why you’re not a Fascist; it wants everybody to be the same, and you are not. But immaculate virtue does not exist either, or if it exists it is detestable.”