Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor Danielle Matthews Shares Her Redox Journey and Path to Success
Ricardo Wilkins
Health Science Author | I write about the importance of mitochondrial redox signaling in whole body health
Welcome to the Magical World of Redox Signaling
I am Ricardo Wilkins, Author of, "Life's Biohack: The Health Secrets of Redox Signaling Revealed, and an ASEA distributor.
By educating and partnering with advancing practitioners worldwide, together we can make an impact for their future by bringing ASEA's exclusive Redox technology to market across the globe.
Every other Thursday I interview a non-health professional on their personal and professional experience with ASEA's Redox Signaling technology.
Today we are joined by Danielle Matthews.
The Exploding Field of Redox Biochemistry and ASEA's Role in it:
If you're new to this world of Redox, in 1997 the first Redox Signaling molecule, hidden within the cell was discovered. By 1998, the minds behind the discovery won a Nobel Prize, their work heralding a new dawn in medicine. Since 1998 universities worldwide have been racing to decode and harness Redox Signaling molecules because they affect every system, organ, function, and cell in the body.
In 2008, Verdis Norton, a retired corporate executive purchased the patents and research of a fledging publically-traded biotech company located in Layton, Utah. This corporation developed a mysterious solution being studied by UCLA, Harvard, and more. Later, Verdis hired a team of scientists who solved the key to this mysterious solution, learning it was a natural balance of Redox molecules.
After turning a Big Pharma buyout offer in 2009, Verdis launched ASEA LLC. They own the only technology in the world that can regenerate stabilized Redox Signaling stabilized outside of the body so now we can directly restore the root of vitality for holistic well-being.
Aspects of tapping into this privately owned IP:
- Exclusive Technology: Experience the only product in the world with stabilized Redox Signaling molecules, a unique offering of ASEA REDOX
- Holistic Well-being: Harness the power of ASEA REDOX to nourish every system, organ, and cell in your body for comprehensive health benefits.
- Enhanced Homeostasis: It helps maintain homeostasis, the body's natural state of balance, ensuring optimal functioning of all biological systems.
- Product Versatility: Explore the versatility of ASEA REDOX, available in both liquid and gel forms, to meet diverse health and skincare needs.
About Danielle Matthews:
Danielle has been working with this Redox technology for 9 years. She’s had an incredible experience with it personally, which you'll learn in detail in this interview. It is because of that experience, she has now helped hundreds of others learn about this Redox Signaling. She is a leader in ASEA and is responsible for opening up lines of distribution in Florida where she lives. She is incredibly down to earth, has much integrity in all she does, and is a wonderful resource for you to ask questions to. I’m glad she has time to share her experience.
Now let's jump to the interview.
Ricardo: Today, we are honored to have Danielle Matthews as our guest. Thank you for joining us today, Danielle. To start, can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to study biology in college?
Danielle: I grew up in Maryland and attended the University of Virginia, where I chose to study biology. My interest in understanding how things work began in childhood—I absolutely loved nature. I collected rocks and leaves and was always captivated by the workings of our world, which led me to pursue further education in this field in college. Additionally, I specialized in environmental science and enjoyed learning about our impact on the environment. My grandfather, a medical doctor, greatly influenced me. Growing up, I was fascinated by his extensive knowledge of the human body. Whenever any of us had health concerns, we would consult him, and he always knew exactly what to recommend for support. Initially, I entered college with the aspiration to become a doctor, but I soon realized that my motivation to endure many years of schooling was lacking. Despite this, I continued with my biology degree and my studies in the sciences.
Ricardo: Your life was turned upside down after being hit by a drunk driver. Can you tell us about that incident and where it left you mentally?
Danielle: After college, I applied to Teach for America and left to teach sixth-grade math in Denver, Colorado. After teaching for two years, I returned home for summer break to visit family and friends. During this time, I was involved in a severe car accident caused by a drunk driver who lost consciousness and collided head-on with my car. The weeks, months, and years following the accident were incredibly challenging, turning my life upside down. The person I was and my life as I knew it would never be the same again. I suffered from a traumatic brain injury classified as a mild TBI, accompanied by post-concussion syndrome. This condition severely limited my ability to concentrate for more than ten minutes at a time and caused sensitivities to light and noise, dizziness, and changes in my personality. I became irritable, struggled with anxiety, depression, and endured very severe migraines that never relented.
In the first year, I tried various treatments to physically cope while merely pushing through the pain. My inability to work led to the loss of my job, income, and independence, which was emotionally devastating. It wasn’t until about a year after the accident, when I was informed that this could be my new normal, that I realized the importance of addressing the mental and emotional aspects of my condition. I needed to find a way to calm my mind and manage my emotional state and thoughts, which were contributing to my misery. Discovering meditation was a turning point for me; it helped me learn to be present in the moment, release my attachment to the past, and lessen my worries about the uncertain future. My symptoms were not improving, but this period of hardship led to significant spiritual development, allowing me to find inner peace, strength, and resilience that has been invaluable over the past decade.
Ricardo: You and your family were very assertive in finding modalities to support your recovery. Can you share with us some of the protocols you tried?
Danielle: Absolutely! As I mentioned earlier, my grandfather was a doctor and connected us with several neurologists and professionals within the Western medical system. Unfortunately, they offered little in terms of healing; their focus was primarily diagnostic, aimed at assessing the severity of my injury. At the time, there were limited tests for the type of damage I had sustained, as I did not have a brain bleed, leaving us with minimal support and a "wait-and-see" approach from Western medicine.
My mother owned a yoga studio in Annapolis, Maryland, for many years and was well-integrated with the holistic community there. Many local practitioners were her students, and the community was tightly knit. So, when my accident occurred, they quickly offered their support and recommendations. One such suggestion was hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Fortunately, a doctor nearby, who had undergone a similar experience, allowed me to use his HBOT chamber and eventually gave it to us. I completed over 80 hours of HBOT, noticing improved clarity and a more vivid perception of the world, though the effects were short-lived, lasting about a day before the migraines and brain fog returned. While there was slight improvement, it did not address the root issue.
We also connected with a woman experienced in working with veterans who had similar brain issues. She performed neurofeedback, which revealed some of my neurons were firing slowly, and pinpointed the location of my injury. Her sessions reduced my pain and brain fog from a ten to an eight out of ten. I attended these sessions alongside HBOT and took supplements, which provided essential building blocks for my brain, such as fish oil and vitamin B.
In addition, I underwent various physical therapies. An osteopath treated my back and neck, addressing the whiplash with dry needling and trigger point therapy. Acupuncture and cupping, Rolfing, and extensive massage were also part of my regimen to alleviate tight muscles and headaches. Cognitive therapy, speech-language pathology, and a neuropsychological evaluation helped identify the extent of my damage. Joining a support group for those with brain injuries provided a much-needed outlet to share and laugh about our challenges.
Eventually, I started seeing a neuropsychiatrist who prescribed medication for my relentless migraines, although its use was limited due to the risk of inducing more migraines. Another medication prescribed for nighttime use was meant to slow brain function for repair but left me feeling overwhelmed and impaired.
This was the status quo until a different acupuncturist, a former student of my mother's, contacted us. She introduced me to a biotechnological discovery she believed could cross the blood-brain barrier and aid in my recovery. This treatment marked a turning point, helping my body recognize and repair the damage, ultimately restoring me to 100% health.
Ricardo: You were very skeptical when you first learned about ASEA and Redox Signaling. As a biology major, how familiar were you with Redox Signaling, and why did you decide to start using it despite your skepticism?
Danielle: I was skeptical about redox when it was first introduced to me, mainly because it lacked scientific backing at that time. It was presented to me simply as a potential solution without much explanation, while my mother, trusting her intuition, believed in its benefits. At that point, I was almost out of hope. After trying numerous treatments without significant improvement and spending most days confined to bed, the idea that something as simple as a solution made from salt and water could heal my brain injury seemed far-fetched. My parents were more receptive to the idea, spurred by my mom experiencing increased mobility and less discomfort in her joints, and my dad seeing improvements in his athletic performance and an old knee injury. They delved into the research and discovered that redox science was a burgeoning field, one not yet included in educational curriculums due to its novelty. Interestingly, now the University of Virginia, my alma mater, along with numerous other institutions worldwide, has labs dedicated to redox research. A decade ago, this was not the case, and the concept of bioactive molecules facilitating cellular communication externally was beyond my understanding.
Motivated by my parents' encouragement, their willingness to cover the costs for six months, and the promise that it couldn't hurt to try, I decided to proceed with an open mind, carefully monitoring my condition without altering any other ongoing treatments. I approached this experiment like a true scientist, maintaining skepticism given my doctors' prognosis that my condition was unlikely to improve further. Remarkably, it wasn't until after three months of consistent use that I noticed significant changes: the relentless pounding in my head ceased, and my energy levels increased substantially, allowing me to undertake multiple activities in a single day—a feat previously unimaginable.
The transformation was so striking that even my cognitive therapist, with thirty years of experience, noted my rapid recovery as unprecedented for someone with my type of injury, occurring so long after the initial trauma. Curiosity about the substance led us to Dr. David Silverman, a member of the medical board, who provided further insights into redox science. Although I remained sensitive to light and noise, preventing full participation in a related event, my condition continued to improve in the following months and years, surpassing my pre-accident state. My cognitive therapist became so convinced of its efficacy that she started using the product herself, and we introduced it to others in my therapy group, sharing this unexpected source of healing.
Ricardo: It took time before you 'felt' the benefits of Redox working. Can you share with us how your recovery progressed and why your experience is a prime example of how ASEA Redox is repairing and rebalancing the body, even when we're not feeling the cellular renewal that is taking place?
Danielle: This is an important point, especially when we discuss processes occurring at the cellular level, like the activation of different genetic pathways. These are not changes we typically feel on a systemic level. For example, many of us have had our vitamin D levels checked through bloodwork, yet we couldn't intuitively know if our levels were low or high; it's not something you can feel. Supplementing with vitamin D to correct deficiencies often doesn't produce a noticeable feeling in the body, and a similar principle applies to redox signaling molecules. They might be effecting changes in parts of our system we're not consciously aware of. For me, the repair process began immediately upon using the product, but considering it involved repairing brain damage, a process that takes time to rebuild communication between cells, it's understandable that I didn't notice any systemic changes for months.
The research into redox signaling molecules excites me because it shows that everyone, whether animal or human, experiences benefits from it. It's a universal effect, but the timing of when one becomes aware of these changes varies greatly. Often, we may be aware of one ailment but unaware of underlying issues, such as digestive problems or degenerative changes in brain tissue, which haven't yet manifested symptoms. Conditions like tumors begin with cellular malfunctions long before becoming noticeable. Redox signaling works to address issues before they manifest on a systemic level, so sometimes you might not even realize what issues you've prevented.
Regarding my personal experience, after consuming 8 ounces a day for three months, I noticed improvements in mental clarity, energy, and the cessation of headaches. However, I remained highly sensitive to light and noise, symptoms I was told would be permanent. Yet, with continued use of redox signaling, these sensitivities gradually diminished—first light sensitivity after a year, and noise sensitivity took another two years. Minor issues, like a sensitivity to music, also improved over time. It's been remarkable to observe how the body prioritizes its healing processes, addressing the most critical issues first and gradually working towards restoring balance. The body is always seeking homeostasis, despite constant fluctuations, and it's fascinating to see this natural drive towards equilibrium in action.
Ricardo: After your recovery, you decided to become an ASEA Associate and join the world of network marketing. Why did you make that decision and what makes network marketing for those so special?
Danielle: After experiencing significant health issues that stripped me of my independence, income, and sidelined me from life for years, I gained a new perspective. Observing family and friends trapped in a cycle of work just to maintain their lifestyle, with limited vacation time and unable to be there for family when needed, reinforced the reality that tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. As my health began to improve and I grew optimistic about the future, I realized the importance of having purpose in my days, owning my time, and ensuring that if it were my last day, it would be one I thoroughly enjoyed. I also desired the flexibility to live and spend my time as I wished and, crucially, to create a residual income that wouldn't disappear if my health did again. The biggest lesson I learned was the necessity of having a Plan B, as life is unpredictable, and relying solely on income tied to physical presence at a job is risky.
As a biologist, the path to achieving these goals was unclear until my mom introduced me to the opportunity behind ASEA and the network marketing model. She believed it could provide everything I was looking for: purposeful work, the chance to help others improve their health, an application for my biology degree through educating others about a biotechnological discovery, and the creation of passive income. Despite my initial skepticism and prejudice against network marketing, viewing it as sleazy and beneath someone with a college degree, my mom encouraged me to keep an open mind and attend an event to grasp the bigger picture.
Attending that event changed everything for me. Listening to the company's founder discuss the ethos, vision, and mission to better people's lives and be a force for good resonated deeply with me. I realized that I could contribute positively to the world through ASEA. Despite my lack of understanding of network marketing, I decided to dive in, committing to be coachable for a year to see what I could achieve. That first year was a learning curve; I earned little but discovered a passion for the work and recognized the need to improve my skills. Over the last eight years, I've dedicated myself to mastering this craft, helping thousands of people along the way, and building a life that aligns with my values of purpose, flexibility, and resilience.
Ricardo: Can you share with us what makes ASEA’s Redox technology and the ability to stabilize Redox Signaling molecules outside the body a true breakthrough in health and medicine?
Danielle: This breakthrough stems from a biotech discovery initially developed by a biotech company, which over time has deepened its understanding of the action mechanism and significant impact these molecules have on the body when supplemented. The breadth and depth of their influence across various bodily functions are undeniable, as evidenced by global research and testimonials. This innovation is unique because it doesn't just target specific issues like sleep, focus, or digestion. Instead, it works at the body's foundational level, enabling it to better identify imbalances and potentially address a wide range of problems. This is why testimonials span across all body systems, and research indicates these tiny molecules can penetrate cells to impact our DNA directly. With no toxicity, these molecules replenish our body's communication network, addressing root causes rather than merely masking symptoms like many drugs.
The significance of this discovery can be likened to that of penicillin, which was initially met with skepticism due to its source from bread mold. Like all disruptive technologies, its acceptance followed the law of diffusion of innovation, with early adopters leading the way. However, widespread adoption often requires a bridge over a chasm of skepticism, which, in the case of penicillin, was expedited by wartime necessities overcoming initial opposition. Similarly, redox signaling is gradually gaining recognition, bridging the gap through scientific research and advancements in biology. ASEA is at the forefront of this field, currently the only entity that has managed to stabilize these molecules in a bioactive form without detrimental side effects. As time progresses, this could revolutionize proactive health support and maintenance, showcasing the power of communication within the body for overall well-being.
Ricardo: You recently did an excellent video explaining what the diffusion curve is and why someone might not heard of ASEA Redox despite its extraordinary properties. Can you elaborate on that here a bit?
Danielle: I'm glad to elaborate. The concept of disruptive technologies significantly impacting our world is becoming increasingly common. We've observed this phenomenon with Uber, and it's currently unfolding with AI and, as previously mentioned, with medical breakthroughs like penicillin. The cycle of adoption for innovative solutions illustrates how society gradually integrates new technologies, despite initial resistance. People often hesitate to embrace change, sticking to familiar routines, leading to skepticism and ridicule towards novel ideas. However, as seen with the resistance from taxi drivers to Uber, the inherent value and benefits of these innovations eventually gain recognition and acceptance.
Redox technology, and ASEA's role within this space, is experiencing a similar trajectory. With a growing base of scientific research and countless testimonials supporting its efficacy, redox is becoming increasingly recognized as a viable option for proactive health management beyond traditional medications, which often come with undesirable side effects. As awareness spreads, we're seeing broader acceptance among influencers, celebrities, broadcasters, and wellness centers, signaling a shift towards mainstream recognition. Redox is poised to become a household name, representing a significant opportunity for those with an entrepreneurial spirit to participate in a movement that could radically transform approaches to health care.
This is a pivotal moment for those interested in health innovation. The potential for redox technology to change how people manage their health is enormous, yet it's still in the early stages of mass adoption. For entrepreneurs and forward-thinkers, the chance to contribute to this wave of change offers an exciting, potentially rewarding journey. The momentum is building, and the time to get involved is now, before it becomes integrated into the broader public consciousness.
Ricardo: It’s been said that the fact ASEA's Redox technology is being distributed via network marketing makes this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Can you share with us why that's the case?
Danielle: The network marketing model empowers individuals by partnering them with a company that manages many of the logistical and operational aspects of running a business. This includes handling shipping, managing various global currencies, compensating those who share the product, and taking care of storage, customer support, production, funding research, creating marketing materials, and maintaining IT and backend operations. Starting a business can be daunting for the average person, considering the multitude of roles they must assume, coupled with the barriers to entry such as financial constraints or the risk of leaving a stable job with its security, paycheck, and health benefits.
Network marketing provides a lower-risk pathway for entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to build a business alongside their current commitments without sacrificing financial security. Success in this model, which may come over three to five or even ten years, depends on the effort, time, and energy invested, but it offers a safer transition to full-time entrepreneurship without compromising one's lifestyle.
For this model to work effectively, a few critical elements are necessary: a unique, in-demand product without close competition; a strong, ethical company backbone; robust systems; support; and leadership. ASEA exemplifies these principles, having spent 15 years refining their IT systems, developing leadership both in the field and within the corporate team, and establishing a legacy-oriented business model. They operate debt-free and make long-term decisions that prioritize the welfare of people and the future impact.
Being part of ASEA offers an exceptional opportunity within the network marketing space. It represents a chance to be involved with a groundbreaking technology and contribute to bringing a rare breakthrough to the market. Such opportunities are scarce, making this an exciting prospect for anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset eager to make a significant impact.
Ricardo: You started this journey with a severe brain issue, relying on family for survival and being skeptical. Now, you’re thriving, a successful entrepreneur who has helped thousands across the globe toward better health and extra income. Talk about a transformation! What have ASEA, Redox Signaling, and network marketing meant to you on this journey?
Danielle: Everything. The product changed my physical health, the community of people at ASEA has helped me to become the best version of myself, and the network marketing model has allowed me to succeed in finding a way to create a passive income, live where I want to live and being able to spend my time helping others and being a force for good in the world.
Thank you for your time and insights, Danielle. If anyone would like to contact Danielle, you may do so at:
If you have any questions about Redox Signaling, ASEA, or the interview please get in touch with me at
As an ASEA Associate you may visit my personal link to explore ASEA's Redox Signaling technology for you or your practice go to: ->
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Book Launch Strategist | Editor
4 个月Wow, what an inspiring story! Danielle's journey is a testament to the incredible resilience of the human spirit and the power of natural healing. It's amazing to see how she turned such a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and success. I'm really curious to learn more about how Redox played a role in her recovery. Thanks for sharing this interview—definitely going to check it out! ??
Director Serving Memory Care | Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer
4 个月Danielle's story is always inspiring.
Health Science Author | I write about the importance of mitochondrial redox signaling in whole body health
4 个月#redox #brainhealth #tbi #brain #braininjury #biology #biochemistry #redoxsignaling #asea #cellularhealth #regeneration #lifescience