Trauma and Burnout – an HR team reality
Let’s face it, HR practitioners often find themselves navigating some of the most challenging and sensitive workplace issues and dynamics. From leading grievance and capability processes, to supporting employees during periods of acute mental ill health, HR professionals can be inadvertently exposed to distressing situations. HR is not immune to trauma. In fact trauma can quietly creep up on us, through accumulated exposure to challenging workplace experiences. When this happens, how easy is it to spot the signs of trauma in ourselves and others?
At a point where geopolitical uncertainty, legislative changes and the rise of AI are throwing new and complex challenges in HR’s path, HR teams are increasingly vulnerable to trauma and burnout. In this month’s Inclusion Insights, we consider the realities of trauma in the HR profession. And we share practical tips to help HR teams to metaphorically put their own oxygen mask on first.
Interested in learning more? At our next HR Leaders webinar, we will focus on trauma, its impacts on HR and strategies to support HR teams. To reserve a place, email us at [email protected].
Building awareness of important concepts
Practical steps to support HR teams
Trauma can have a significant impact on our ability to regulate emotions and make decisions. It can impact team dynamics and culture, and it can erode our sense of purpose and engagement at work.
Our 5 top tips to support HR teams to deal with the realities of workplace trauma are:
Supporting your HR team
Inclusive Group has extensive experience of working with HR leaders and teams. We understand the challenges, and we offer specialised services that get to the heart of the issues, including HR team listening programmes, coaching and workshops.
Talk to us about our 2-hour workshop designed to support the resilience of HR teams through stress and trauma. The session equips HR teams with knowledge and techniques that they can apply straight away in order to, metaphorically, put their own oxygen mask on first. We create a safe space to discuss the realities and unique challenges of working in HR, and we explore steps to build resilience and to protect team members in situations where they may feel triggered, or experience vicarious trauma.
To discuss your priorities and to explore how Inclusive Group can support your HR team, contact us to arrange an enquiry call.