TRAQUA NEWS - 02/2025

TRAQUA NEWS - 02/2025

Welcome to TRAQUA 's short monthly newsletter! The aim is to dive into hydro(geo)logy and to provide you with an overview of research articles, TRAQUA's current projects, upcoming events, etc.

? Our newsletter is now also available via E-mail. Subscribe via our UPDATED website ?

Let's put groundwater and surface water in the spotlight! ??


?? Groundwater chemistry at depth in granites and gneisses

Groundwater chemistry at depth in granites and gneisses. (n.d.). IAEA INIS.

?? A new process-based approach for defining karst aquifer vulnerability to contamination risks under global changes

A new process-based approach for defining karst aquifer vulnerability to contamination risks under global changes. (2025). ScienceDirect.

?? Multiple fault strands in carbonate rocks control groundwater circulation in tectonically active areas, Monte Marine Fault, central Apennines, Italy

Petrella, E., Pizzati, M., Severini, E., Ferragonio, Polimeno, M., & Balsamo, F. (2025). Multiple fault strands in carbonate rocks control groundwater circulation in tectonically active areas, Monte Marine Fault, central Apennines, Italy. Journal of Hydrology, 132738.

?? Deep learning text classification of borehole logs for regional scale modeling of hydrofacies (Po Plain, N Italy)

Previati, A., Silvestri, V., & Crosta, G. (2025). Deep learning text classification of borehole logs for regional scale modeling of hydrofacies (Po Plain, N Italy). Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies, 58, 102157.

?? Multi-Model Assessment of Groundwater Recharge Across Europe Under Warming Climate

Kumar, R., Samaniego, L., Thober, S., Rakovec, O., Marx, A., Wanders, N., Pan, M., Hesse, F., & Attinger, S. (2025). Multi‐Model Assessment of groundwater recharge across Europe under warming climate. Earth S Future, 13(1).

?? An Overview of Historical Development, Current Situation, and Future Prospects of Managed Aquifer Recharge in Türkiye

Korkut, M., Hartog, N., & Yavuz, V. (2025). An overview of historical development, current situation, and future prospects of managed aquifer recharge in Türkiye. MDPI.

?? R.W. Gillham and the Role of Capillary Fringe Processes in Shallow Aquifer Behavior.

R.W. Gillham and the Role of Capillary Fringe Processes in Shallow Aquifer Behavior. (n.d.).

?? Towards an evidence base for groundwater data investments

Veness, W., & Buytaert, W. (2025). Towards an evidence base for groundwater data investments. Environmental Science & Policy, 164, 104014.

?? The hidden influence of terrestrial groundwater on salt marsh function and resilience

Guimond, J. A., Grande, E., Michael, H. A., Pratt, D., Herndon, E., Noyce, G. L., Ward, N. D., Forbrich, I., Regier, P., Berens, M. J., & Arora, B. (2025). The hidden influence of terrestrial groundwater on salt marsh function and resilience. Nature Water.

?? Zambezi River Basin aquifer systems: opportunities and challenges in using freely available data sources and groundwater flow modelling for spatial exploratory analysis.

Zambezi River Basin aquifer systems: opportunities and challenges in using freely available data sources and groundwater flow modelling for spatial exploratory analysis. (2025). ScienceDirect.

?? Rising groundwater table due to restoration projects amplifies earthquake induced liquefaction risk in Beijing

Li, Y., Wang, R., Ma, H., & Zhang, J. (2025). Rising groundwater table due to restoration projects amplifies earthquake induced liquefaction risk in Beijing. Nature Communications, 16(1).

?? Assessment of the environmental impacts of regional groundwater flow path fluctuations in the water-stressed drought prone Northern Region of Bangladesh

Monir, M. M., Sarker, S. C., Biswas, R. N., & Islam, M. N. (2025). Assessment of the environmental impacts of regional groundwater flow path fluctuations in the water-stressed drought prone Northern Region of Bangladesh. Scientific Reports, 15(1).

?? Karst Water Resources in a Changing World: Review of Solute Transport Modeling Approaches

?all?, K. ?., Chiogna, G., Bittner, D., Sivelle, V., Labat, D., Richieri, B., ?all?, S. S., & Hartmann, A. (2025). Karst Water Resources In a Changing World: Review of Solute Transport Modeling Approaches. AGU Journals.

?? Assessing groundwater quality and solute sources in highly anthropized areas. The case of Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria

Etuk, M., Re, V., Viaroli, S., Raco, B., & Igwe, O. (2025). Assessing groundwater quality and solute sources in the highly anthropized areas. The case of Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 101425.


The beginning of the year has been very busy for TRAQUA with a lot of field work.

We carried out tracer tests to characterise hydrogeological connections and travel times to delineate protection zones for catchment areas.

Protection zones are essential to ensure clean and safe drinking water. The definition of these zones is based on sound hydrogeological investigations of the groundwater systems.

When carrying out a tracer study, it is possible to combine both in-situ monitoring (using our STREAM fluorometers) and sampling (using our automatic on-site samplers).

The automatic sampler samples were used to confirm and calibrate the presence of the Amino-G acid fluorescent dye, as the signal-to-noise ratio for optical detection was very low at this particular monitoring site.

The study is still ongoing, so further details can't be given yet ;).


???????? ???? ?? ?????????? ??????????????????

A water balance is the balance between the amount of water entering and leaving a system. In other words, the quantification of the various fluxes in a water cycle.

Important note! There is not just 1 type of water balance! There is a whole range of water balances depending on the objectives of the analysis and the available parameters.

The unit of a water balance is expressed in mm, as derived from l/m2 = 0.001 m3/m2 = 0.001 m = 1 mm, or the amount of water per surface area. The water balance can then be expressed per unit of time depending on the context (e.g. annual in the context of climate change, per minute in the context of flood monitoring).

?? ???????????? (?????????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ????????????)

??????????????????????????: rain or snow.

?????????????? ?????????? ????????????: water flowing into the system from nearby rivers, lakes or other surface water bodies.

?? ???????????????? (?????????? ?????????????? ?????? ????????????)

??????????????????????: water that turns into steam and returns to the atmosphere.

??????????????????????????: plants release water vapour through their leaves.

?????????????? ?????????? ??????????????????: water that flows out of the system into other rivers, lakes or oceans.

??? The basic water balance equation is ?????????? = ???????????? + ?????????????? ????????????

The total amount of water entering a system is equal to the total amount of water leaving it, plus any change in the amount of water stored (in the soil, underground aquifers or lakes).


? A positive water balance (more input than output) can lead to increased water availability, which can be beneficial for agriculture and ecosystems.

? A negative water balance (more output than input) can lead to droughts, affecting the availability of water for plants, animals and human activities.

Image credit: Aquatic ecodynamics github: Hydrology Workbook by Matt Hipsey, Sarah Bourke, Jason Beringer and Giles Knight (


Several events are planned for the month of March. Which one will you attend?

?? The first major event will be Aquatech Amsterdam from 11-14 March. It's the leading Trade Fair for actors in the process, drinking, and wastewater industry. link

?? The small event 'Inondéa', organised by Commune de Seneffe is aimed at citizens wanting to incorporate small scale flood prevention measures. The events takes place on 16 March. More information can be found here link.

?? On the 21st of March, there will be a free webinar on 'Glaciers and Groundwater Interactions: Challenges in a Changing Climate', organised by IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists and United Nations Water . The webinar can be accessed through this Zoom link, but further information on timing is missing on the website.

?? 22 March 2025 is WORLD WATER DAY!! This year's theme is ‘Glacier Preservation’. Find All information on the UN-Water website.

?? Intersol 'congrès international sur les sols, les sédiments, et l'eau' brings together start-ups, researchers, and innovators on the topic of subsoil, sediments, and water in Lyon from 25 to 27 March. Register via the website.

?? From 27-28 March, the NICOLE & PROMISCES Joint Spring Workshop 2025 takes place in Frankfurt. The workshop will focus on solutions for emerging, persistent mobile industrial contaminants . Registration and programme here.

?? Choosing is losing, because on the exact same days the 'Forum National de la Gestion Durable des Eaux Pluviales' organised by idealCO takes place in Lens. The two-yearly event raises awareness about sustainable rainwater management among local authorities. More info via the link.

?? Ama?l Poulain will be visiting, so don't hesitate to reach out for more info about TRAQUA 's services related to rainwater management !

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Groundwater for life ????

