

Politicians lie in the same way that birds sing. It’s an uncontrollable urge that becomes second nature to them once they have participated in the democratic process of being elected.

Human beings have enormous potential as individuals and yet collectively we can be incredibly stupid and naive.

 Governments have become shameless in their lies and manipulation of the masses. Dr Fauci has contradicted himself so many times at this stage that I’m sure he’ll meet himself coming around the next corner. His decision to fund the lab in Wuhan and then his attempts to deflect attention away from them have now been fully exposed, yet he is still secure in his government-appointed position. Why? I would suggest that had this happened even 25 years ago the outcry would have been such that his resignation would have been inevitable. Not so in today’s world of keeping your mouth shut and don’t step out of line or you’ll get a high tech modern version of a knock on the door.

His email communications during this pandemic with Bill Gates raises questions as to what collaboration may have been taking place. Bill Gates links to Jeffrey Epstein and his attempts to obtain a Nobel peace prize using Epstein’s influence raises another set of questions not just about his character but his own personal agenda when it comes to Vaccines and the “Great Reset” which then link him to Klaus Schwab and George Soros who of course was once his employer.

 These are tired old men with God complexes and egos which extend way beyond their intellectual capability. They are determined to have lived their lives and made their fortunes in a free market and capitalist world to force society to live in a silicon valley version of communism where we are told what to think, where we can go and what we can do.

I say to them that when they have given everything away and confirm their joy at owning nothing I’ll take them seriously. Then they can come calling on the rest of us. Until then they should put their god complexes back in the wardrobe.

Stop to think about some of the restrictions that have been placed on society in the last 18 months. In Britain they can tell you not just who you can hug but how you should do it. I can see that becoming the next wave of corporate consultancies. “ Sorry there’s nobody in the department this morning. They are all attending Hugging Classes “. If you can get companies to send their staff on courses on how to deal with their shameful whiteness anything is possible.

Governments have gone willingly along with this woke culture because politicians have become the dregs of society. Their concern with holding onto office has increasingly meant that they only stand for things that will have media acceptability. We the people are responsible for this because we elected them. So why did we elect them? Because we have taken democracy for granted. We haven’t minded it. Instead, we have been enjoying the fruits of a free society, dismissing governments as ineffective but failing to realise the long term implications.

We allowed the so-called free press who were the first to become imprisoned by the great reset gang to marginalise anybody who entered public life by ridiculing them for things that weren’t important whilst ignoring the really important issues. Their modus operandi became “ keep the masses poor and disadvantaged but promise them everything at election time “ but don’t on your life give it to them. The likes of the democrats in the US and the labour party in the UK have become masters at controlling the narrative so that they never get held to account. The republicans and the conservatives aren’t much better. They have allowed themselves to be painted as the villains of society unjustly. Where they are just as guilty is that as the left they are all in handcuffs to somebody and are therefore not in a position to address the peoples concerns.

Instead between them, they have allowed monopolies particularly the big tech community to become so powerful that they are now our effective unelected rulers. It is just a modern version of fascism. Is there any difference between Stalin and our current legislators when they can tell you when and if you can visit your neighbour? When the so-called free press only spouts the narrative that is approved by Facebook and Twitter. When access to the media is denied if the message is not sufficiently compliant.   

Central to all authoritarian regimes is the restriction of free speech. The image most people have of authoritarian regimes is that they are right-wing and extreme. It’s one of those subconscious reactions that people are comfortable with due to decades of indoctrination, most of whom have never challenged the idea within themselves.

Consider that it has always been left-wing thinking and left-wing policies that have led to authoritarian regimes. Why? Fundamental to left-wing thinking is that you control everything from the centre. Whereas the supposed right-wing have the exact opposite view. They believe in decentralisation, individual responsibility and local control.

The ongoing tug of war between the left and the right has been won hands down by the left in terms of the hearts and minds of the people. The principal reason for this is that the left constantly promises a utopian view of the world, which as an ideal sounds wonderful. They also promise everything to everybody. Thomas Sowell the renowned American economist once accused the democrats of replacing the plantations of yesteryear with the inner-city ghettos of today. The challenges of poor education, high crime and broken homes have replaced the challenges of living on a plantation despite repeated promises at every election for the past 100 years.

It’s hard to resist it when somebody is offering you all kinds of goodies at no cost. It’s hard to argue with words like equality and fairness on the face of it. But when they turn out to be empty promises as they have done for blacks in inner-city America you would think an analysis of the problem would follow. Not so. The media are so invested in the left that the term “ a free press “ is now a joke.

The first problem is that we are dealing with the complexity of human beings and not sticks of furniture. Human beings are much happier getting something because they worked for it rather than having it handed to them. What the left learned in 1930’s America was that when you give people things for free you own them. Most blacks voted for the republicans up to that because they were the ones that freed them from slavery. They reluctantly switched to the democrats with the introduction of the welfare state.

By the time they realised they had been bought and paid for it was too late. Families were disintegrating, crime amongst blacks increased and unemployment rocketed. Their society crumbled but they’d also got used to the freebies which had come at a huge cost.

There are people in our society who need our help and they should always be taken care of. However, it doesn’t and shouldn’t dilute the fundamental instinct that we all have to fend for ourselves. The ability to do this has been facilitated with the growth of freedom and democracy particularly in the western world.

It is interesting that those who are promoting the great reset as a means of reshaping society come from countries where they have benefited most from freedom and democracy. 

However it is now under threat from a group of elitist thinkers who are in a sense hijacking the left and the right in an effort to enforce a modern hi-tech form of authoritarianism which has the capacity to destroy our society. You can call it socialism, feudalism, communism whatever you want. It will be a modern form of totalitarianism which will make Stalin look like a benevolent dictator. 

The irony is that it is being driven in part because the capitalist system has spawned a group of all-powerful organisations who have usurped governments because the politicians have not enforced any of the laws that apply in respect of monopolies or the dominant positions they have been allowed to assume. Google, Amazon and Facebook etc. are not part of any free-market economy. They have used the system, ably supported by compliant media and weak ineffective politicians to obtain control of society.

Their control of not just social media platforms but the data that is used electronically in every aspect of our daily lives is now completely out of control. Allied to this their dominant position when it comes to their direct or indirect ownership of the mainstream media and Hollywood is scary.

Free market capitalism is still the best system that has ever existed despite its many flaws. The single biggest flaw that needs addressing is the sheer size and dominance of so many big corporations around the world from big tech to financial institutions and on and on.

The second biggest issue is overregulation and bureaucracy. This in turn leads to more and more people being centrally employed. The bigger my department the more important I am. This only results in desk jockeys like Fauci who’s only real current qualification is political expediency and survival.

We have been made such fools of by governments and health authorities all over the world that people don’t want to admit it to themselves. This constant diet of being told where you can go, who you can see, when you can see them etc only to have the goalposts moved every few days is not based on science but rather on control.

Those who aren’t questioning these decisions need to become much more sceptical and be prepared to speak up. Fooling yourself that life will return to normal gradually over the coming months is na?ve. The new normal is not an attractive place.

History tells us that our capacity to destroy good things because we are frustrated with their imperfections and replace them with really bad options is a repetitive theme in the history of mankind. Let’s all try to break that cycle.

Beth Armknecht Miller, CMC

Retired Executive Coach now traveling the world and staying active

3 年

Excellent article! We need to catch up over Zoom.

Jim Glennon

Non-exec Chair / Director

3 年

I’m surprised, Emmet, and indeed disappointed at the absence of comment on your obviously well thought-out piece - it is certainly worthy of detailed discussion. There is much in there with which I agree, and much with which I disagree, and I doubt if I’m alone in that position. I would respectfully suggest however that your opening paragraph does no service to the remainder of the piece and may have actually discouraged comment - your sweeping generalisation and, I’d suggest, facile, criticism of politicians is fundamentally unfair and serves only to contaminate the environment necessary for the reasoned and respectful discussion of which the remainder of your piece is more than worthy. Other than that (!), I hope all is well with you, in whichever part of the globe you may be - warm regards !


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