The Trap Of Spiritual Excuses
“When The Universe Aligns, I will…”
I’ve been talking to more and more spiritual people lately
who need help on the business side,
mostly with enrollment and upgrading their business model,
so they go from an expensive hobby that drains their life’s savings
to a real business that fully supports their gifts and provides them
with a lifestyle they desire.
The good thing about talking with spiritual people is that they are driven by a calling,
a mission that won’t let them rest and that keeps pushing them to search for a next level.
The not so good thing is that a lot of spiritual people get into the trap of using spiritual principles as a cover up of their blind spots and limiting beliefs they either cannot see or they hide behind for so long, they begin to believe that story as their prime reality.
My job is to help them see how their outlived beliefs block everything they say they want.
ME: “So what I hear you say is that even if your coaching practice is empty, you don’t know how to enroll new clients, you live on credit cards, you are terrified of asking for a sale, and …you are WAITING for alignment with the Universe?
THEM: “Yes, I must wait to FEEL aligned, I am in my cocoon of sorts, figuring it all out and waiting for alignment…”
ME: “How long have you been in your cocoon?”
THEM: “3 years…”
ME: “Look, I appreciate you sharing this all with me…
and let's get real for a second…
let's call it what it is…
Are you waiting for alignment or are you resisting your Higher Destiny?
See, the Divine Paradox is that when YOU wait to act, the Universe waits too…
YOU are the Universe…
There is none to wait for permission from,
there is none who is coming to magically extract your fear and indecision.
The more you wait, staying exactly where you are, unhappy, frustrated, isolated, spinning stories in your head how you don’t FEEL ready,
the more you FEED those feelings, the more you solidify the reality of what you don’t want…
Anyone can get into such trap, when a person forgets she is the CREATOR, not the bystander on the sidewalks of life, waiting for a handout from the Universe.
Do you wait or do you create?"
That's the question that always helps me breakthrough my own bullshit, my own spiritually wrapped story of limitation.
If you are reading this, and the story sounds familiar,
My message to you is to ACT in spite of your uncertainty, fear, or doubt.
It will not be comfortable,
but it will for sure make you grow massively.
There is a new spiritually integrated leader that we are called to evolve into.
The leader that is not only connected to Spirit, who lives in alignment with the Universe but the leader who is also INTEGRATED into the business world,
who is in charge of his business growth,
who is ferociously committed to expanding her range,
her business acumen, and her ability to lead without fear,
to lead with the soul and to bring that Light of Awakening into all parts of the world.
I am sharing this so we examine how often we use our spiritual beliefs to cover up our resistance to our own expansion, and when we remember that we are CREATORS and not bystanders in life, things begin to shift.
P.S. If you are ready to shift your coaching business and massively upgrade your skills,
I have a unique opportunity for you:
I am leading a Business Immersion Live Event that is all about high ticket sales and events, and it's coming up in 3 weeks in LA. You can send me a private message here or on FB to get the details and find out if you are a fit for this event or not.
Katerina Satori