The trap of postmodernism

The trap of postmodernism

I quote Professor Stephen Hicks( from the book:" Explaining Postmodernism"):"

Metaphysically, postmodernism is anti-realist, holding that it is impossible to speak meaningfully about an independent existing reality.Postmodernism substitutes instead a socio-linguistic constructionist account of reality. Epidemestimologically,having rejected the notion of an independently existing reality,postmodernism denies that reason or any other method is a means of aquiering objective knowledege ot that reality.

Postmodern accounts of human nature are constistently collectivist.Finally postmodern themes in ethics and politics are characterized by and identification with and sympathy for the groups perceived to be oppressed in the conflicts, and a willingness to enter the fray on their behalf."

As Prof. Hicks is explaining the dilemma of culture-wars so perfectly I just want to add, that we are more influenced by those thinking-frames than we like to acknowledge. This holds definetly true for people who are not into philosophy at all. So then people do not even realize from which side they are influenced and only "common sense" and "guts" can be safe havens, so to speak.

I have been tought all kinds of postmodernism at the University and in european intellectual circles. As I was able to read also substantial differerent literature in philosophy and literature I was always able to distinguish and mostly went into a direction of more solid knowledge myself. I consider postmodernism as a destructive trap. Aligned with it is : toxic naivity, toxic hope, the inability to distinguish right from wrong, failure to react to injustice, moral relativism, phoney group-identities, loss of aesthetics, loss of moral values, loss of true spirtitual values and a lot of chatter and talk. So I hope the time is over soon for postmodernism.

“It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.”

―?Fyodor Dostoyevsky,?


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