Transversal Leadership - Show me the data !

Transversal Leadership - Show me the data !

Many of us are unaware of the amazing?power of questions. In day to day life, our conversations may be full of requests and demands...Too often we are not asking for informative answers, and we don't know how to listen effectively to answers.

In Today's innovative and Lean economy it is less about having the right answers and more about asking the right questions

Questioning is one of the most important techniques that any Transversal Leader need to master. Knowing the right question to ask and the right way to listen will give to the Transversal Leader the skills to be efficient to achieve lasting success across any organization.

Based on my experience, hereunder fifteen Lean 6 Sigma oriented questions than any Transversal Leader, with critical thinking should be able to answer:

  1. What is your product or service and who are your customers? show me your SIPOC.
  2. What perception do your customers have of your product or service? How do you know? Show me the data
  3. Do you believe Quality issues are important ? Why? Which ones in particular?
  4. Can Continuous Improvement efforts assist you in increasing market share and/or increasing our profits? How?
  5. Are you actively pursuing Quality improvement in your areas of responsibility? How? Show me the data and governance
  6. How many hours (days, Mins) per week (month) do you currently have scheduled on your calendar, that are devoted strictly to review quality issues?
  7. How often per week (month) do you solicit feedback from the people you manage? What kind of feedback do you solicit? What do you do with the feedback?
  8. What are the right quality-oriented questions managers need to ask their people?
  9. What methods, tools and digitized tools can be used to answer them? show me your toolbox
  10. Are your people trained to successfully use the best quality improvement tools? Show me the list of A3 PDCA, DMAIC/IDDOV projects? What is the benefits and Return On Investment (ROI) from the training and certification?
  11. Do you have a standard procedure for documenting quality improvement efforts? What is it? Who owned it?
  12. What barriers do your people face when trying to do Continuous Improvement? What are you doing to remove these barriers?
  13. What metrics are you evaluated on that relate to Quality issues? Are you held accountable for these metrics? What are the specific improvement goals for these metrics?
  14. How much waste does your processes have? How much of the total waste is your area responsible for? Show me your VSM
  15. What (€) is the company's Cost Of Non Quality (CONQ)? How, are you measuring it? show me the dataFrom now what evidence will you have to show that you made a difference compare to last year ?!

I hope you have the rights answers to the above questions, if not which one is the most difficult to fulfil?

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy holiday season.


