Transported by the Holy Spirit the Jewish-Christian Connection: The Ancient Method- John Wesley
Transported by the Holy Spirit the Jewish-Christian Connection: The Ancient Method- John Wesley

Transported by the Holy Spirit the Jewish-Christian Connection: The Ancient Method- John Wesley

by Andrew (Andy) Weeks

Wesley knew the Jewish religious groups of Pharisees and Scribes were profiting from the markets in the synagogues. Political leaders like Pilot and Herod of ancient days controlled the pocketbooks and the unjust distribution of the law. So, before preaching his sermon he also gathered what was happening around Peter's text in the political environment of Pilot and the Jewish leaders who controlled the local synagogues.

Let's embark upon how the interpretation of Scripture and the use of the ancient method in partnership with the Holy Spirit that will keep us in context to the most powerful application during our journey with Jesus Christ. With boldness and conviction, the cost of Christian discipleship is empowered at the cross. In the Christian community, we hold to the inspiration of holy Scripture both in the Old and New Testaments.

Wesley used his time studying antiquities for us so that we would be able to comprehend the fullness of our meaning in connection to the Judeo-Christian revelations unearthed in Scripture that render our transformation in the coming again, Messiah. Christ is the Messiah long awaited, crucified, resurrected on the third day, and soon to come again. " You are the Messiah. the Son of the living God." Matthew 16:16

John and his brother Charles Wesley were advocates of the ancient method that interpreted Scripture in the context of time and space and used historical events to dig deep into the meaning of culture that opposed Christianity. In our text today we join Jesus in the Triumphal procession. Together we will walk with him on the streets of Caesarea Philippi and read the announcement of the Messiah. Peter confesses in Matthew 16:16, " You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." This Messianic announcement is provided so that we might understand the relationship of the Deity and with the Holy Spirit that the Triumphal entry is convincingly about healing, not military strength. Jesus is foreshadowing his shepherd King's mission. Jesus insisted that he was going to Jerusalem not to be a military king, but to be rejected, killed, and "raised on the third day." In this case, Jesus is preparing the disciples that being with Jesus means denying oneself and taking up the cross. In the case of Pilot, Annas, and Caiaphas, God uses each to bring His ultimate will and providential plan for the redemptive work that started before the beginning of time.

Let's keep using Peter. Our text is I Peter 2:24. John Wesley England's Methodism founder and George Whitefield did not often agree on many Biblical references. But they did in I Peter 2:24. John and his brother Charles Wesley partnered with the Holy Spirit in a sermon preached by John on propitiation. You will find I Peter by going to the back of your Bible. You will see Revelation, Jude, I II& III John. Then you will see II Peter. Turn the page twice and you can read the text John Wesley used for this message on the crucifixion and resurrection. The ancient method intends to make it a plain word that will convict and transform our plain old human nature. Let's get closer to Jesus and the cross to better share as disciples today in his sufferings.

" He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to

Sin and live righteousness. By his wounds, you have been healed."

I Peter 2:24

The person suffering is Jesus Christ. His sacrifice is the empowering physical and spiritual work of the Holy Spirit that calls for total commitment in discipleship practices. The reason for Christ's suffering is he bore our sins, which teaches; that Christ in his suffering stood charged with our sins, as one who had undertaken to put them away by the sacrifice of himself, Isa. 53:6. Jesus bore the punishment for our sins, and thereby satisfied divine justice. Jesus Christ takes away our sins and removes them from us; as the scapegoat did typically bore the sins of his people on his head, and then carried them away. (Lev.16:21,22) So the Lamb of God does first bear our sin in his own body."-- Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry and John Wesley also taught at the cross the power of living our lives surrendered to the will of Christ in sanctification. That is through the crucifixion, the central purpose that Christ bore our sin, (atonement), and in the power of the resurrection we can live our lives without continuously practicing life in sin. The cross of Jesus Christ provides the power to live free from sin. Amen. I am still growing in that journey and find that the Holy Spirit illuminates when prayer is never ceasing, and the study of the Holy Scripture is never-ending. Inclusive of interpreting Scripture in this ancient method is in our fasting and a conviction that invites the supernatural question, am I surrendered to the presence of Jesus at the crucifixion? As a disciple of his, we are charged to pick up the cross, share in his suffering, and live a victorious Christlike life.

That is a powerful interpretation of Scripture. Wesley Prayed for illumination by the Holy Spirit to be present in both his heart and mind. He instructed his preachers to do likewise before giving a strong proclamation to the masses who were subjected to poverty, crime, alcoholism, debtor prison, and child labor horror. Does any of the above-mentioned social issues sound familiar to our current implosion of social norms?

.Josephus on Jesus was read in comments from the Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18, Chapter 3. Wesley did not spend an absorbate amount of time, but enough to understand the context in which Peter was speaking to about Jesus. Josephus was a priest for the Pharisees at age 16. So, he was a practicing Jew. During the Jewish Revolt against Rome, he was appointed to a military leadership role in Galilee. In other words, he killed Roman soldiers. Captured he was enslaved by Rome. Released he wrote of the war and the response of the Jews. Of Jesus Christ, he stated, " At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus and his conduct was good and his learning outstanding. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die." When we read Matthew 27:11-25 We have the context; " Pilate said to them, Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" They all said, " Let him be crucified!" And he said, "Why what evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more," Let him be crucified."

I sense the Holy Spirit giving me the interpretation of the text. Then I too am at the synagogue and knowing that the Rabbi is reading Isaiah 53:6 and his interpreter standing next to the Rabbi was interpreting Hebrew into Aramaic; I am sitting with one of the "Godfearers" who have heard Peter and Paul preach about Christ's suffering and being crucified and on the third day risen. The folks I am with at the synagogue, and I get all excited and run out of the synagogue saying, the interpreter read Isaiah 53:6; this is the Messiah prophesied: "All to Jesus I surrender." Peter responds and boldly preaches " He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds, you have been healed." (I Peter 2:24) I am experiencing chills from my head to my toes as I hear Peter preach. Scripture has transported me through this text and I'm standing in the front of the crowd uttering, Praise you, Lord! That is the gift of the Holy Spirit when we pray through holy Scripture, fast, and wait upon the Lord while we are reading Scripture.

John and Brother Charles with George Whitefield pick up on this ancient method and John Wesley boldly preaches.

" It is the blood of Christ alone whereby any sinner can be reconciled to God there being no other propitiation for our sins, No other fountain for sin and uncleanliness. Every believer in Christ is deeply convinced that there is no merit but in him."-- John Wesley

Charles Wesley was inspired and partnered with the Holy Spirit to gather people to worship Jesus Christ (Messiah) and give praise to a suffering, crucified, risen savior and wrote.

" And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me, who caused, his pain? For me, who Him to death pursued.

Amazing love! How can it be that thou my God should die for me?"

How can it be that thou my God should die for me? Regardless of our moral condition or the circumstances that are being faced we can be forgiven and reconciled to God through the life-giving blood of Jesus Christ. Only Jesus, alone, only Jesus, for you and me, and the world that awaits the disciple that says by sharing in his sufferings, only Jesus, my friend.

"It is the blood of Christ alone whereby any sinner can be reconciled to God there being no other propitiation for our sins, No other fountain for sin and uncleanliness. Every believer in Christ is deeply convinced that there is no merit but in him."--- John Wesley

Pastor Andy Weeks: Join us Sunday at 9:00 A.M. Alger Global Methodist Church--- Alger Mi


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