The Transperience Actbook: Moving?Beyond
Laust Lauridsen
Grow Human Capacity The Brain-Friendly Way | Author | Speaker | Beyond Guide | Human Anchor | Concept Wizard | MD
Waves of change spread in organizations, communities, and societies, cancelling business as usual and challenging the status quo. They swirl cultural sediments and disintegrate rigid structures, bringing new ideas and perspectives. But are we ready to welcome them?
All our perceptions are mental projections of what we have learned to see, filtered by old thoughts displayed as knowledge, old emotions perceived as importance, and old beliefs disguised as truth. How can we get fresh ideas if we don’t notice them at all?
We thrive in an environment likely to meet our physical, psychological and social needs. When looking for new solutions and alternative options, we prefer to stay within our comfort zone, rather than risk going beyond to explore the unknown. How can we then gain access to the creative source and realize our full potential??
As a beyond guide, I am used to finding patterns in chaotic circumstances and navigating unfamiliar mindscapes. Let me take you to the edge of creation, the source of everything, and show what it means to move beyond. We may start far out, but I promise we will end pretty close to something truthful and useful.
Moving beyond imagination
Since the Big Bang, the universe has expanded and evolved in an endless rhythm of birth, death, and rebirth. Energy forming, deforming and transforming, excitations of the quantum field moving in and out of existence?—?from potentiality to actuality and back again.
We participate in this cosmic dance in all energy dimensions; physical, psychological and metaphysical. We are energy beings in a human form, made of star material and connected by vibration and resonance. Science confirms this, although it may be difficult to fully grasp.
At the individual level, the challenge is to grow as a human being while staying in touch with yourself - and everything else. At the collective level, the challenge is to flourish as a society and species without losing humanity.?
For this, we need solid solutions and inventive ideas from educated minds bursting with curiosity, compassion and courage. Which is rarely the case. The challenge is to balance the contrasts: stability and novelty, order and chaos, creation and destruction.
Most of the time, we repeat ourselves and reuse winning strategies, but sometimes we are driven to move beyond what we normally expect and even imagine. This means leaving the world of form to enter the realm of formless energy in the unified field of endless potential.
Away from the mess, beyond the wall of uncertainty and impatience, in blissful stillness, you find the void. Nothing waiting to be something. Bursts of passion and goodwill. Cracks to open, hacks to make, destinies to carve. Insights waiting to be revealed, articulated and appreciated.
Finding fresh?ideas
In our normal state of mind, we are mostly unconscious of the decisions we make and actions we take. We run on autopilot with little or no time to embrace new inspiration and sudden insights. Established knowledge, emotional attachment, and fixed beliefs form an impenetrable barrier to new ideas.?
It all happens in the human brain. Unconscious and superfast reactions based on pattern recognition lead us to reject or ignore ideas simply because they are unknown and therefore potentially dangerous. Long before you know about the idea, it could already be eliminated.
So how to bypass these mental filters and overcome the natural defense against change? How to gain access to the unknown idea potential if you don’t know what you are looking for? The straight answer is: You must move before your ideas can move.
Here are a series of tested techniques you can try:
Become aware. To move beyond, become aware of the space in your mind, outside the physical world, where all your experiences unfold as thoughts, emotions and sensations. Although they are mere illusions, you use them to construct your physical, psychological and social reality. Realize you are not your thoughts, you are just having them.
Slow down. The formula for success imprinted in us since childhood is to speed up to achieve more. But to gain access to potentially life-changing ideas from the unknown, you should do the opposite: slow down to receive more. Moving fast on the highway does not give you the same sights and insights as exploring a new path in the wilderness.
Shift attention. What limits us is not life itself, but our thinking of it. Thoughts are neither reality nor permanent. By shifting your attention, new thoughts will arrive. Moving beyond imagination requires 1) expanding your awareness to other dimensions of existence, and 2) staying there long enough to gain new insights.
Give space and time. There is an inner wall between you and the unknown. It reduces the risk of surprises, but also blocks access to enormous potential. To bypass or cross the wall, be passionate and excited, but also calm and patient. Give space for new ideas to emerge. Once they arrive, guard them well. They need time and much care to grow.?
Let go to let come. To discover new land, you have to leave the comfort of the known, including the need for predictability and perfection. Reset the mind and reconnect the brain by letting go of personal beliefs, assumptions, and expectations. Accept and embrace what comes, and enjoy it all.
Challenge yourself. Receiving fresh ideas often involves rewriting your personal narrative. Cultivating ideas takes time, and you may need to adjust priorities and attitudes. Integrating ideas requires attention and resonance from the established system.?
Using a framework
If you want to move beyond and explore the unknown in a way that combines ideawork and selfwork, you should consider the Experiment Beyond Framework. It is designed to capture, protect and hold ideas while preparing people to welcome, develop and integrate them.?
The framework has three zones:
In each zone, the state of mind should match the idea phase. The self-work develops from the blue zone to the red zone, while the ideawork progresses from the red to the blue zone.
Red zone: welcoming ideas
The red zone focuses on receiving new ideas, turning potential into possibility. The goal is to spot, catch, and embrace ideas without being held back by existing beliefs.
Green zone: growing?ideas
The green zone transforms possibilities into opportunities by cultivating ideas. This phase requires patience and an iterative approach, as you protect, nurture and potter the idea.
Blue zone: launching ideas
The blue zone focuses on integrating ideas in the existing system and turning opportunity into actuality. Feedback is used to refine and improve performance and acceptance in the testing, sorting and spinning of ideas.
Besides developing ideas from scratch, the Experiment Beyond Framework is helpful if you want to infuse ideas into an organization or community. The bigger the idea?—?like a merger or reorganization?—?the more you may need to prepare people to meet the idea.
Transform through experience
Using the Experiment Beyond Framework can intensify and systemize the ideation phase of any innovation process. Especially when you combine it with transperiental practices.
Transperience is transformation through experience. By design, staging and facilitation, you create an accelerator that can move individuals and groups beyond expectation and imagination in an easy, fun and rewarding way.?
Consider combining experiment beyond and transperience if you want to reach radical new solutions quickly, get a fast-track to the unknown, accelerate revolutionary learning, turn things upside down, or create a landmark event.
From the mysteries of the human brain to the secrets of the cosmos, there is always more to explore and discover. If you are ready to welcome the unexpected, remove all limiting filters and dare invest in exploring the unknown without expecting anything in return.
Moving beyond is about embracing the richness and complexity of the world we live in. It is also about using all you have and doing all you can to make business beautiful and work wonderful.?
It's perfectly fine to surf the waves of change, as long as you remember to explore the deeper part of life. The real potential is not the waves above, but the sea below. Knowing this, what is your next move?