Transparency, not wit - the key to clear messaging

Transparency, not wit - the key to clear messaging

Your prospects range from those who know exactly what you do, to those who have a problem but aren’t aware of the type of solution you offer.

In this episode, we focus on converting the second type.?

And we’re using a brilliant example from Zapier which makes everyone understand what they’re signing up for.

Zapier is all about integrations and automations. Even if you’re familiar with these terms, what does it mean that Slack integrates with Zoom?

“Does it mean I can have Zoom calls inside of Slack? Or Slack chats inside of a Zoom call?”

People will have a different perception of the level of integration. The misconceptions will be wilder than you can imagine.

So how does Zapier make integrations easier to understand??

They’re 100% transparent about what their tools do.

You get a sneak peak right away, and in the case of Zapier, they present it as the “trigger + action” combo.

Reading the heading & the paragraph, new customers are none the wiser.

The copy raises a number of valid questions and concerns:

“More power from my tools? But how? And what exactly is that critical work integration? What kind of workflows are you talking about?”

The “secret sauce” is actually on the next screen, where you can preview every possible integration before buying.

Think of it as “if X happens on Zoom, then make Y happen in Slack.”

That’s a concept a five-year old would understand, and that’s the brilliance of it.

Features over benefits? Not necessarily

Copywriting tips preach talking about benefits over features.

But this doesn’t consider the audience you’re speaking to.

The “trigger + action” narrative communicates a feature, but it also makes the benefits obvious.

Automation is the benefit, and arguably everyone can understand what it entails.?

The missing piece of the puzzle is the how, and Zapier nails that part thanks to (almost) absolute transparency.

Their secret marketing sauce: you can inspect any pair of apps that integrate and see the capabilities of Zapier.?

Now if you mix transparency and setting clear expectations for your product, what is your secret sauce?

If you're reading this, you're missing out. This is episode #10 from the 8th of January 2024. We've recently sent #21 to our subscribers.

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