TransNamib hosts the Media

TransNamib hosts the Media

Friday, October 11th, 2019 Transnamib hosted its last media excursion for the year onboard the DX, Windhoek - Omeya Golf Estate - Windhoek. The event was attended by media representatives from various medium such as print, social media, radio and television, who were also treated to delightful refreshments. The aim for Transnamib’s hosting of the media was to provide the Namibian people with an update of organizational performance to-date. Seemingly, Transnamib highlighted some of its short, medium and long-term plans. The main briefing presentation was carried out by the CEO, Mr. Johny Smith. The media briefing included a summary of Transnamib’s history before 2018, the present stand in terms of rolling stock availability, rail track reach, human resource capital, rail infrastructure condition, as well as future prospects for the next remaining three years out of the five-year strategic plan. Smith, further cited the business products and services offered to current and potential customers.  

In his presentation, Mr. Smith noted that the organization has a challenge to change its perception amongst the public and can only do so by improving its business. The nonperformance of TransNamib, being the national rail operator in the country also contributed to the negative impact on the social, environmental and economic development of Namibia, SADC and Africa due to an incomplete supply chain cycle. Therefore, in order to establish reasonable and business focused synergies, it is crucial that Transnamib and the entire supply chain force work towards a national common goal as stipulated in Namibia’s NDP5, Vsion2030 and Harambee Prosperity Plan. Furthermore, Smith highlighted that the company’s Integrated Strategic Business Plan (ISBP) was approved by Cabinet in December 2018, which paved way for the implementation of various projects to revive the railway again.  

Smith did acknowledge challenges experienced by the company though indicated that its through darkness that light shines brighter, hence, with the right united workforce, that is agile and appreciative of constant global evolution, continued growth and innovation strives. Smith also highlighted some of the company’s achievements such as introduction of the night train to Ondangwa, DX and Passenger train comeback with amongst others wifi services, movement of manganese to Luderitz, redeployment of employees and the employment of 150 in the south during recession period. The event ended with the CEO introducing and thanking his team as well as media representatives for their participation.


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