Translations 572, Portuguese: informal: “a árvore se conhece pelos frutos, à baila, a be?a, a bem da verdade, a bico de pena, boca miúda." English
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translations 572, Portuguese Language Insights: informal Portuguese: “a árvore se conhece pelos frutos, à baila, a be?a, a bem da verdade, a bico de pena, boca miúda.” Definitions, translations, examples.
The dictionary from which I retrieved these slang terms or idioms or phrases, their definitions, other Portuguese speakers’ evaluation of the accuracy of the definitions, and an example is called Dicionário informal (Informal Dictionary).
At least ten others using the dictionary have given their opinion as to the accuracy of the meaning, and in all of these cases at least 88% agree with the definition(s) given.
1) A árvore se conhece pelos frutos.
[A tree is known by its fruits.]
The mother and the father are the mirror for their children.
Seu filho é um bom menino. Você deve ser uma boa pessoa também, afinal?a árvore se conhece pelos frutos.
Your son is a good guy. You must be a good person too; after all, you are the mirror of your children.
14 agree and 0 disagree
2) à baila
[to the dance, to the ball]
It means to mention or quote something at the appropriate time.
Sua fala veio?à baila?para nossa discuss?o. Her speech hit the nail on the head just at the right time ?for our conversation.
14 agree 0 disagree
3) a be?a
In a play in spelling in Brazilian Portuguese, this term, “be?a” comes from the surname “Bessa.” There was a famous legal expert or jurist named Gumercindo Bessa, the chief debater from the Brazilian State of Acre arguing against the incorporation of the Territory of Acre to be incorporated in the State of the Amazonas. Because of his many and varied arguments on this subject, his last name because synonymous with plenty, a lot of, a copious amount, a large amount, etc.
It means a lot of, many, etc. It is now only used among older Brazilians.
212 agree 24 disagree
4) a bem da verdade
[the good of the truth]
to tell the truth
12 agree 0 disagree
5) a bico de pena
[the feather beak]
dead and non-existent people in elections
Ainda hoje existe nas elei??es existe a prática?a bico de pena.
Even today the practice exists of including dead and non-existent people in the elections.
21 agree and 1 disagree
6) boca miúda
[petty / small mouth]
Corre?à boca miuda?que Maria está gravida de Paulo.
The gossip is spreading that Paulo got Maria pregnant.
10 agree 0 disagree
Dicionário informal. Online from 2006 to present.