Translations 568, Portuguese Language Insights: informal Portuguese: “boca de borsa, bereré, deixa arder, ... bater a nave, parolar." English.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translations 568, Portuguese Language Insights: informal Portuguese: “boca de borsa, bereré, deixa arder, galeroso, filar bóia, bater a nave, parolar.” Definitions, translations, examples.
The dictionary from which I retrieved these slang terms or idioms or phrases, their definitions, other Portuguese speakers’ evaluation of the accuracy of the definitions, and an example is called Dicionário informal (Informal Dictionary).
It is an ongoing project and anyone can contribute. It was started ib 2006, and now, 24 years later, in 2024 it has approximately 150,000 entries.
The seven examples below were published on this free, online site between July 11 and July 17, 2024. Hundreds gave their opinion as to the accuracy of the definitions, and the overwhelming majority agree to the definitions in these seven cases, ranging from approximately 80% to 98%,
This is a nice record of the ongoing dynamic language evolution of Portuguese.
1) boca de borsa
[idiot’s mouth, fool’s mouth]
Definition: a person that talks too much
759 people agree and 115 disagree with the definition given
Fer é boca de borsa mesmo, hein? Ela fala mais que a boca …
Fer talks too much, huh? She talks more than the mouth …
2) bereré
?[only? found in slang dictionary]
Definition: synonym of money
419 agree and 116 disagree
Mal ganhei meu bereré e já torrei tudo com cerveja.
I earned poolly my dough and now I overspent it all on beer.
3) deixa arder
[let burn]
Not worry about something or someone. Let it happen.
166 agree and ?and 18 disagree
Jo?o diz: Su esposa te esta traindo! Paulo responde: Deixa arder!
Joaz says: Your wife is betraying (being unfaithful) to you! Paul answers: Don’t worry about it / her.
4) galeroso
[not found outside of the slang dictionary]
Definition: Young person, a gang member. It is a term commonly used in the State of Amazonas.
268 agree and 34 disagree
El galeroso me queria bater. Teve uma briga de galeroso ontem à noite aqui na rua.
The young gang member wanted to hit me. There was a gang fight last night here in the street
5) filar bóia
[grab or clutch a buoy]
Take advantage of a friendship or blood relationship with an individual in a family to show up at mealtime and sit down and eat said meal free of charge.
243 agree and 6 disagree
Um colega visita sua casa para buscar um livro que deseja emprestado, e aproveita o horário de almo?o para filar bóia. Ao perceber que há almo?o pronto, cria uma história de que n?o pode sair para almo?ar e sem fazer muita cena se junta a mesa para almo?ar de gra?a.
A colleague visits a house to get a book he desires to received loaned, and takes advantage of the lunch to mooch some. Upon realizing the lunch is ready, he invents story that he cannot leave to eat luch and without making a scene he joins the table to have some free lunch.
6) bater a nave
[hit or beat the nave (of a church) / the craft]
Definition: sleep, pass out from sleepiness, or fade.
390 agree and 96 disagree
Você está em uma festa e seu amigo está bêbado, depois de um tempo ele some e você pergunta para outro camarada. "...Cara, cadê o José? Ele bateu a nave!..."
You are at a party and your friend is drunk. After a period of time he disappears and you as, for another buddy,
“… Man, where’s Jose? He hit the sack …”
7) parolar
[adorn with pearls, give a pearly appearance]
Definitions: 1) adorn with pearls; 2) talk informally.
249 agree and 11 disagree
shoot the shit
1. Num belo dia de sol, lá estávamos parolando sobre o clássico do fim de semana. 2. Vamos parolar?
1. On a beautiful sunny day, we were giving a pearly appearance on what is classic from the weekend.
2. Are we going to chat / shoot the bull / shoot the shit?
Dicionário informal. Online from 2006 to present.