Translations 490, English Idioms “big brother, bright spark, bare bones, brain drain.” Literal, figurative meanings, translations, Spanish, Portuguese
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translations 490, English Idioms “big brother, bright spark, bare bones, brain drain.” Literal and figurative meanings, translations, Spanish, Portuguese.
big brother
Definition: A large organization or government agency that tries to control all aspects of human life and society
1) (literal) hermano mayor [big brother]
2) (slang) radar de seguimiento [tracking radar]
3) (the faceless and ruthless power of the State) el poder sin rostro e implacable del Estado [the faceless and relentless power of the Government]
1) (older brother) irm?o mais velho [older brother]
2) pessoa con grande lideran?a que protégé [a protective individual with great leadership]
3) grupo ou organiza??o que controla através da tirania [group or organization that controls through a tyranny]
bright spark
definition: a person that intelligent, and full or energy and enthusiasm
1) listillo (slang)
2) (persona ágil de mente) [a person that is agile in his / her mind]
3) persona ingeniosa [witty, sharp-witted, nifty, resourceful person]
1) engenhoso
2) vivo
3) espirituoso
?bare ?bones ?
definition: most basic or important elements or facts
1) sin adornos [without decorations, without embellishing]
1) esqueleto [skeleton, a framework]
2) despojamento [robbing, plundering]
brain drain
Definition: the migration of highly skilled or drained people from a specific country
fuga de cerebros [brain escape]
evas?o de cerebros [brain evasion, brain escape]
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