Translations 481, English Idioms “backhanded compliment†and “big gun.†Definitions, origins, translations to Spanish and Portuguese.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translations 481, English Idioms “backhanded compliment†and “big gun.†Definitions, origins, translations to Spanish and Portuguese.
backhanded compliment
Backhanded compliments are insults disguised as genuine compliments. "You look pretty in this lighting" is an example of a?backhanded compliment. This "compliment" insinuates the person isn't pretty in other types of lighting. The best way to respond to a?backhanded compliment?is to ignore it.
The phrase?backhanded compliment?is an idiom which is synonymous with a left-handed compliment. It comes from the Latin word “sinistra,†which translates to sinister in English. In the past, being left-handed was considered unfortunate. It stood for being unlucky.? Source:?
cumplido de doble intención [a compliment with two intentions]
insulto disfrazado como un cumplido [an insult disguised as a compliemtn]
insulto disfar?ado de elógio [an insult disguised as praise]
big gun
According to the Cambridge University Dictionary, a “big gun†is a person or company with a lot of power and influence.
The?Origins?of "Big Gun" Like many idioms, the exact?origin?of "big gun" is unclear.
However, one hypothesis that is believed that this phrase originated in military jargon during the 1800s, since large artillery was used in warfare at that time, and often the large artillery pieces were referred to as "big guns."
However, its figurative usage was also prevalent during the 19th century. Even Charles Dickens used in a letter written in 1967 to refer to influential people in college as those from “the biggest guns to the smallest.â€
pez gordo [fat fish]
chef?o [big boss]
manda-chuva [order rain]
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