Translations 471: Idiom “break new ground:” definitions, origin, examples, translations to Spanish and Portuguese.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
?Translations 471: Idiom “break new ground:” definitions, origin, examples, translations to Spanish and Portuguese
break new ground
The literal meaning of digging up ground to construct something, and the figurative meaning of doing something new, quite often something never attempted before:
“1. To begin?excavating?and?levelling?earth?for a new?building, or, originally, for?cultivation.
According to, the first known use of “break ground” in its first and literal sense is from the 1670’s.
We have?to?break new ground?in?the interest of sustainability and competitiveness.
This is clear evidence that the ?program continues?to?break new ground.
Industry, too, should?break new ground?here.
The agreement?will?break new ground?for?EU/South Africa?cooperation in many areas.
In parallel with this partnership on infrastructure, we ?shall have?to?break new ground?in?terms of financing mechanisms, based on the participation of [...]
I do not believe that it is ?always necessary?to?break new ground;?instead, when it? comes to the development of railway undertakings, [...]
[...] strategy on the sustainable use of resources another area where the 6th Environmental Action? Programme? will?break new ground.
The number of designers working on each project varies, but all of these people are part of ?a team who collaborate?to?break new ground?in?design.
We?break new ground?today by hearing a second?representative of the Council, namely Mr?éric Besson, Minister of State to the Prime Minister.
The declared objective of SIG ?Combibloc was?to?break new ground?with?the innovative combishape packaging system.
alcanzar nuevas fronteras [reach new borders / frontiers]
abrir campo [open field / space]
abrir nuevo camimno [open a new road / way / path]
abrir nuevos horizontes [open new horizons]
marcar nuevos rumbos [leave a mark on / earmark new directions / destinations]
investigar un terreno virgen [research / investigate virgin terrain]
innovar [innovate]
achar novos terrenos [findi new terrains / fields]
encontrar novos caminhos [find new ways / paths / roads]
abrir novos caminhos [open / initiate new roads / paths / ways]
inovar [innovate]
desbravar novos caminhos
quebrar a nova base [explore a new base]
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