Translations 469: English idioms “as busy as a beaver / bee, blast from the past, bad blood:” definitions, translations to Spanish and Portuguese.

Translations 469: English idioms “as busy as a beaver / bee, blast from the past, bad blood:” definitions, translations to Spanish and Portuguese.


Translations 469: English idioms “as busy as a beaver / bee, blast from the past, bad blood:” definitions, translations to Spanish and Portuguese.


busy as a beaver, busy as a bee

In, we have a clear definition of “busy as a beaver” which is synonymous to “busy as a bee.”

Definition and chronology: “Also,?busy as a bee. Hardworking, very industrious, as in?With all her activities, Sue is always busy as a bee, or?Bob's busy as a beaver trying to finish painting before it rains. The comparison to beavers dates from the late 1700s, the variant from the late 1300s. Also see eager beaver; work like a beaver.”


muy ocupado: very busy

embebido en el trabajo: deeply engaged / absorbed / immersed in work


muito ocupado [very busy]

muito aplicado [very indiustrious[


blast from the past

In the Cambridge Dictionary this idiom is explained:

“something or someone that?surprises?you because you had?almost?forgotten?about it”


recuerdo del passado: memory from the past



un sopro do passado [a blow / puff / whiff from the past


bad blood

This idiom is defined as and ill-feeling or a bitter feeling.



animosidad [enmity]

mala disposición [bad will]

mala intención [bad intent]

(Mexico) mala leche [bad milk]

(Spain) mala uva [bad grape]


animosidade [animosity / hostility]

rispidez [coarseness, harshness, roughness, sternness, crustiness, burliness, gruffness]

sangue ruim [mudblood, poor blood]

rancor grudge, spite, malice, deep-seated hate

sangue mau [bad blood]


Sources ? 10 ? 27 ? blood-sweat-and-tears-phrases-with-blood “bad blood”

Magic Spanish English app

Best Portuguese English Dictionary app

WordReference Portuguese English app


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