Translations 465, English phrases starting with big. Meaning, translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Part 6 of 7: Expressions 51 to 60 out of 70.

Translations 465, English phrases starting with big. Meaning, translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Part 6 of 7: Expressions 51 to 60 out of 70.

Translations 465, English phrases starting with big. Meaning, translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Part 6 of 7: Expressions 51 to 60 out of a total of 70 phrases.

“big” is a very flexible word in English that is used in many different contexts and thus is very polysemantic and correspondingly has many different translations. This will be the fifth part of a seven-part series of phrases in English that include the term “big” along with a short definition and their translations into Spanish and Portuguese.

Please look them over carefully and let me know if there are changes that should be made, such as adding more translations that were left out. Thank you so much for your help.



51) policy with the big stick

Definition: political or military force used by a government as a means of control, figuratively when anyone uses force to control

Spanish: fuerza política utili zada para controlar

Portuguese: política de vara grande [policy of a big stck]


52) raise a big howl

Definition: (emotions, feelings) blow up, hit the ceiling, blow one’s top

Spanish: poner el grito en el / al cielo [shout in the / at the sky]

Portuguese: ficar com raiva [get angry, be angry]


53) really big mistake

Definition: stupidly screw-up, screwup, blunder

Spanish: falta garrafal [regrettably large fault / mistake]

Portuguese: administrar de forma completamente incompetente [completely,

?Incompetently mismanage], cometer um erro estúpido [make a stupis mistake]


54) rumbling in the stomach after a big meal

Definition: rumbling in the stomach after a big meal

Spanish: ruidos en el estómago después de una fuerte comida [noises in the stomach after a strong meal], burbujeo en el estómago [bubbling in the stomach]

Portuguese: est?mago virado [inverted, upside down stomach]


55) spend big

Definition: throw money about

Spanish: gastar en grande [spend big], gastar a lo grande [spend big]

Portuguese: esbanjar dinheiro [guzzle money, squander money], jogar dinheiro [gamble money, risk money]


56) stake everything on a big try

Definition: (slang) go for broke

Spanish: apostar todo en un solo intento [bet everything on one solitary try]

Portuguese: apostar tudo ao mesmo tempo [bet everything at the same time]


57) such a big deal

Definition: a big deal, such an important deal, that big of a deal

Spanish: una gran cosa [a big thing], cosa del otro mundo [something from another world]

Portuguese: é grande coisa [it’s a big thing], é grande problema [it’s a big problem], é negócio grande [it’s a big deal]


58) such a big face

Definition: smacker

Spanish: semejante carota [such a scoundrel], semejante trompa [such a horn / trumpet / long face / pout]



59) talk big

Definition: boat, brag, overdo it, exaggerate, tell tall stories

Spanish: hablar gordo [talk fat=, exagerar [exaggerate]

Portuguese: contar prosa [to tell prose, to boast (Brazil)]


60) that is a big spender

Definition: That is someone that spends a lot of money

Spanish: que gasta dinero a los raudales [that spends money in torrents / great quantities / at full flow]

Portuguese: torrar dinheiro? [toast money, In Brazilian slang “torrar” means to sell off at a loss or to dissipate or misspend, giving us “to do big spending” or to misspend money]


kathryn radford

Contractual Lecturer, On-Line Translation Program, UQTR, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

11 个月

Big applause for this. Thank you. Gracias.



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