Translations 461, English phrases starting with big. Meaning, translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Part 2 of 7: Expressions 11 to 20 out of 70.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translations 461, English phrases starting with big. Meaning, translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Part 2 of 7: Expressions 11 to 20 out of a total of 70 phrases.
“big” is a very flexible word in English that is used in many different contexts and thus is very polysemantic and correspondingly has many different translations. This will be the second part of a seven-part series of phrases in English that include the term “big” along with a short definition and their translations into Spanish and Portuguese.
Please look them over carefully and let me know if there are changes that should be made, such as adding more translations that were left out. Thank you so much for your help.
11) big night
definition: important evening
Spanish: gran noche [big night]
Portuguese: noite importante
11) the Big Issue (British)
definition: magazine sold by homeless people
Spanish: Farola [streetlamp]
12) big name
definition: famous, well-known
Spanish: figura importante [important well-known person]
Portuguese: personalidade importante [important well-known person]
13) big shot
definition: important, influential person
Spanish: pez gordo [fat fish]
Portuguese: figur?o [big shot, look good (Portugal), mandachuva [bigwig], chef?o [big leader]
14) big talk
definition: boastful, exaggerated statements
Spanish: exageración, fanfarronadas [boasting, bragging, swagger, bluff]
Portuguese: arrogancia [arrogance]
15) the big time
definition: the most prestigious level of attainment in any (entertainment) field
Spanish: estrellato [stardom], éxito [success]
Portuguese: grande sucesso [huge success], grande estilo [grand style celebration]
16) big toe
definition: largest and innermost toe of the inner foot
Spanish: dedo gordo [fat digital] big toe, dedo gordo del pie [fat foot digital] big toe
Portuguese: ded?o do pé [big digital on the foot] toe, polegar [thumb (hand), toe (foot)]
17) big top
definition: circus
Spanish: circo [circus]
Portuguese: tenda de circo [circus tent]
18) big wheel
definition: 1 Ferris wheel; 2) celebrity, character
Spanish: 1, noria [Ferris wheel], rueda Chicago [Chicago]; 2 pez gordo [fat fish]
Portuguese: 1 toda gigante [big wheel], a Ferris wheel; 2) personalidade importante [important figure] bigwig
19) be a big act
definition: be a big story, big a pure charade
Spanish: ser un cuento puro [be a pure story] be pure nonsense
Portuguese: ser uma bobagem complete [be a complete nonsense]
20) be a big fuss
definition: a lot of needless bustle, excitement or attention
Spanish: gran alboroto [big brawl, a lot of noise, …]
Portuguese: grande escandalo [big scandal], grande confus?o [lots of confusion]
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