Translation Article 689, Spanish Language Insights: Polysemy of “volcar” in 5 different contexts and the corresponding translations to English.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translation Article 689, Spanish Language Insights: Polysemy of “volcar” in 5 different contexts and the corresponding translations to English.
When “volcar” is used by itself, there are at least five different contexts in which the translation can and often is different:
1) El gato saltó en la mesa y volcó el vaso de agua.
The cat jumped on the table and upset / knocked over the glass of water.
Comment: Note that either “upset” or “knock over” can be used when tipping over a glass or other container containing liquid or powder, etc. ?Of course, the meaning of “upset” in this sense is to tip it over and obviously not to make a glass uncomfortable, as if it could feel.
2) Después de que el gato había volcado el vaso de agua, el agua volcó del vaso.
After the cat had upset / knocked over the glass of water, the water emptied out / tipped out.
Comment: By using “empty out” or “tip out” the immediate image to come to mind is some sort of container from which whatever is inside comes out.
3) Hay que volcar la carga en su lugar designado.
It is necessary to dump the load in its designated spot.
Comment: One of the derivatives of “volcar” is “volqueta” or “volquete,” and these both mean dump truck, so what comes to mind is something like a dump truck full of sand that arrives at the construction site and then dumps all of its contents out.
4) El camión era tan grande que volcó el carro que chocó.
The truck was so big that it overturned the car that it hit.
Comment: Note the difference between this example with the object being hit is a vehicle versus a glass being hit. In the latter, “upset” or “knock over” is appropriate; however, with a vehicle or something larg being hit, “overturn” is appropriate and the image that comes to one’s mind is the vehicle that was hit turned upside down and thus overturned it.
5) El huracán era tan intenso que volcó varios barcos.
The hurricane was so strong that it overturned / capsized various boats.
Comment: Just as in the previous example above, number 4, when a vehicle is being hit, boats are also large and “overturn” is appropriate usage. In addition, when it is a marine type of transportation, when a ship or boat, etc., sinks, we can also say that it capsized. This usage is usually limited to maritime transportation.
Collins Spanish Dictionary, HarperCollins Publisher, 2009.