Translation Article 686, Ten (10) Spanish Idioms with both their literal and semantic translations.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translation Article 686, Ten (10) Spanish Idioms with both their literal and semantic translations.
Following are ten (10) interesting idioms in Spanish as they appear in the Collins 2009 Unabridged Collins Spanish-English Dictionary. In addition to the idioms themselves along with the provided translations, I am providing a literal translation (often meaningless) in brackets.
The Spanish idioms we analyze are: “no valer un abalorio, abanicarse con algo, en un abrir y cerrar de los ojos, estar hecho un abril, abrirse camino en la vida, cuéntaselo a tu abuela, no necesitar abuela, … y parió la abuela, nada en la abundancia, acabáramos.” ??
1) no valer un abalorio
[not worth a glass bead]
be worthless
2) abanicarse con algo
[fan oneself with something]
(Southern Cone) not to give a damn about something
3) en un abrir y cerrar de los ojos
[in an opening and closing of the eyes]
in the twinkling of an eye
4) estar hecho un abril
[to be made an April]
to look very handsome
5) abrirse camino en la vida
[open one’s road in life]
make one’s way in life
6) Cuéntaselo a tu abuela!
[Tell it to your grandmother!]
Go tell that to the Marines!
7) no necesitar abuela
[does not need a grandmother]
blow one’s own trumpet
8) … y parió la abuela
[… and the grandmother gave birth]
… and that was the last straw, and that was all that was needed
9) nadar en la abundancia
[to swim in abundance]
be rolling in money
10) acabáramos
[we finished]
Oh, I see.
Collins Universal Spanish-English English-Spanish Dictionary. Ninth Edition, Harper Collins Publisher, 2009.